Monday, December 29, 2014

The festive season and weightloss

It's alway hard to stick to things over the festive season and I think it's more to do with is punishing ourselves than what we actually eat. 
So Christmas Day I just relaxed and enjoyed myself. Within reason of course. I ate 3 serves of trifle which was very naughty but it was so good lol. 
The following days were a bit worse we went away and stayed with family so I could only eat what I had access too. Unfortunately that included white bread. I felt horrible and bloated for a couple of days but where I could I did eat well. I did a workout Christmas Eve and Boxing Day but that was it. 
The thing was I didn't punish myself for relaxing and enjoying myself. I just let it be and I got straight back into it when I got home. When we punish ourselves we get into a negative loop and we wonder why bother when we maybe put on 200g which was likely just a poo required to empty out the extra food. This negative though makes us then stop and keep eating etc. Enjoying it at the time them letting it go so we can get back to it is what helps us succeed!!
 So this week I still managed an 800g loss. It wasn't the kilo I want to lose a week but all things considered it was an awesome effort. 
So I'm down to 72.5kg. Not long now until the 60's! I'm so excited I can't wait to finally get there. 

So after 2 weeks on the challenge I have lost 1.8kg and there is 7.5kg until my goal. If I can keep this up I might even manage to get under 65! 

My workouts have been good too. They are hard but that's the way I like it. I keep the intensity up for the whole 1hour20min. I can feel the hip fat going and also some more of the leg fat. 

I keep saying in my head it takes 4 weeks for u to notice, 8 weeks for ur loved ones and 12weeks for everyone else so keep going. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

So much happening

It's been a while but so much has been going on.

First up I've started back to work. It was a bit sudden and it's been an adjustment especially for the kids as they are now in daycare 3 days a week but it's a job I couldn't pass on. 

It makes things very hectic. I work 6:30-2:30. I have been going to the gym after work then picking the kids up at 4 go home cook dinner, dishes, tidy, bath, book, bed, prep for the next day then bed. 

My gym went 24/7 this week so I'm going to start going to the gym earlier. On work days I will go before work and on the other days I'm going to go after I give Zach a bottle at 4/4:30. I can never get back to sleep then anyway and I definitely train better in the mornings. 

I also officially started round 2 of the body blitz challenge a week ago. Weigh in days are Mondays. I started at 74.2kg week 1 weigh in -1kg weighing in at 73.2kg. I had dropped to 72.9kg but I had 2 peices of KFC chicken on day last week which was so silly, I didn't even enjoy it. The next day I had jumped back up to 73.8. I don't beat myself up over things like that. Doing this over the festive season will he hard but that's the point. I will enjoy myself but not blow out. 

Training wise I have stepping it up and I've changed around all my weights. My body had settled into a routine. I'm now going to do high intensity legs on Monday and high intensity arms on Tuesday. Heavy legs on wed heavy arms on Thursday and Friday will be core. 
I will incorporate cardio in there including lots interval type stuff. 

The definition in my shoulders is really standing out such a long way to go everywhere else.

I came across these photos the other day.  these are my post pregnancy photos. Not straight up but when I was ready to start losing weight. Most of the time I ended up falling pg when I reached 85kg but wow looking at it this way I have come such a long way. I can't believe I'm still considered overweight! Only 2.5kg until I reach my healthy weight range! 

I have also been looking into finishing off my fitness certificates in the new year. It's going to cost about $3K though :( we just don't have that money right now. I have a cert III so I can do fitness classes but I've never really been into classes. Not sure what I'm going to do but I really do want to help people like me go have always struggled to lose weight to finally smash their dreams and get fit and healthy because it really does change ur life. I just don't feel like i can do this until Ido finally get this last 8kg off and tone up. I do practice what I preach for sure I just want to get into a little bit better shape :) 

So hopefully I will update more regularly as I can. Being 1 week into this challenge already it will be over before I know it! 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


So my story has been published in this months edition of women's health and fitness magazine :) very surreal to think its actually me really. I know I was big and unhappy but I don't really remember being that big and that wasn't even my biggest. 

So I decide I really want to lose this last 10-15kg so I have dropped most of the dairy I was eating and also cut out all snacking. It's been a hard few days but already it's paying off. Weighed in at 74.1kg this morning. Official weekly weigh in day is Friday so would be nice to be 73kg :) haha! I'm back to eating what I ate on the challenge except I'm snacking less. It's hot and since stopping myself from having a few biscuits with my cup of coffee I don't actually really feel like anything. I would like to be under 70 before Christmas and I can actually easily see myself reaching that now :) 

I have my 2nd mini triathlon this weekend. I am a bi nervous about it. Although I've been doing a lot of running I haven't been doing too much riding or swimming. My right shoulder has been playing up an old injury from so much sport like cricket bowling and softball etc at school. It's bony spurs or something in the socket joint so it's painful to lift past horizontal. Because of this swimming is hard. I do though find swimming easy other than this pain and every time I get in the pool I can do 1.2km (2 x 600m) so I'm sure I will be fine on sudsy but I HB been lucky to swim once a week lately. Riding on the spin bike at the gym is a little boring too. I get 15mins done or around 7.5-8km and I stop. I have all of 1km to go but agh lol. 

I'm really enjoying the weights though. I'm pushing heavier again I do need to search for some more just to vary it up a bit my body will be getting used to it soon. 
Might be time to bring out some HIIT style stuff with some trisets using plyometic moves again. It been a while since I did that kind of training. Maybe next week after the tri is done :) 

This is the article 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Off the beaten track

So confession time :( I have been a bit naughty with my diet lately. Not blow bad but not loose weight good. I still go to the gym every day and I can see muscle forming, I haven't gained any weight still sitting at 75.1kg but I'm annoyed at myself because if I had been diciplined I could have lost the last 10kg already. Agh!

I am struggling a bit because I feel in a limbo land. I want to put my head down and train hard and eat well but I also want to try for bub 4 in jan and we are swaying for a girl which is high dairy. Dairy is yuk and my body hates it. Even today I decided I didn't want to have any and I can feel my tummy bloat is going down. 

I also applied for a job a few days ago. A science job close to home. I probably won't even get an interview being a mum of 3 littlies 3 and under but I'm more than well and truly qualified although my back ground is in human cell tissue culture and this job is plant tissue culture the cells I cultures were the hardest and fussiest. I was also assistant manager in a commercial lab supplying cells to customers. I know I will be a great member for their team and it's not research so it's secure, it's 15mins from home. I would happily work there for the next 15years lol. Just have to get an interview. 

If I do get the job I will probably put back baby 4 so I can settle in and things. I wouldn't want to go on mat leave straight away even though I would probably only have 6-12weeks off and go back part time even just 1-2 days a week increasing to 3 days at 6 months. B might have to do the stay at home dad thing this time. My sister will probably be on mat leave too as they are trying for no2 so she might take bub for 1-2 days a week so it doesn't have to go to day care. 

It's all just a wait and see what happens kind of thing and that's the frustrating bit. I'm not the most patient person. I've been on this girl diet jeopardising my weightloss with the extra dairy and I may just be putting it back anyway. If I don't get the job it's go ahead as planned and that means I need to stay on this diet. 

I like to have plans and know where I'm going. Limbo land is so hard for me. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Finally starting to feel myself

So the last couple of weeks have been really hard. 
I knew I had a cold thing when I did the triathlon. I thought it had passed but for what the last 3 weeks since then I had been completely exhausted. I would go to the gym and sit on the weight machines and stare into space, I couldn't run 3km. I had to lay down and rest on the couch every afternoon as I was too tired, my house was a mess, nothing was getting done. At first I thought maybe I'm depressed? Lost my mojo? It was very abnormal for me. On Monday I woke up feeling like I had energy. I went to the gym and ran 6km and I actually just felt good. So I'm thinking I was just sick with a lingering cold/flu. It was not nice. 
I weighed in a 75.4kg this morning so no damage done in tbe weight department but not the best start to the 12wc. No biggy though gettig back up and keeping going is what builds character. It will also help me suceed. I could easily go oh well and give up but where will that get me? Annoyed that a gave up and that's about it. 
This morning I did my first road ride as run since the tri. I did 16km on the bike and 6km run. I probably could have pushed harder but first really big day back after a light 3 weeks and after being sick I didn't want to push it too much and get an injury. 

Was extremely exciting on Friday I had a gift voucher my husband had given me for Mother's Day that I had been holding onto waiting until I had lost some weight. After getting frustrated that all my clothes were either too big or really haggered looking as they are from 5-6years ago well I decided it was time to go shopping.

I was a 16-18 the day Zach was born and although my 14's here at home were too big I still wasn't sure I would fit 12's. 
I took all 12&14's into the change rooms and well all the 12's fit nicely and the 14's were too big. I couldn't believe it. Then I went to another store and grabbed a heap of size 12 singlets. I had already had to return a 14from that shop as it was too big. Well the 12's are actually too big. I could have taken them back but as we have decided to start trying for no4 in January and won't be telling anyone till after the gender scan I figure that they will cover a 14week baby welly well. 

So yes that very big news from our camp. I'm nervous and excited. 4 is a big number. We did always want 4 but as this is our last I would love a daughter. 
So we have started the sway. It may not work and if it doesn't that's ok we would love another little boy too but we are going to give it everything we can to perhaps help get us our little princess. 

The girl diet is very high in calcium and magnesium. I am taking supplements but also increasing dairy. Oh how my body hates dairy. 

Exercise wise it's lots of cardio and minimum weights. I'm still doing weights but I've toned it down a bit. Building muscle increases ur testosterone. It's not much but they say it can affect it. I'm doing weight to still tone and maintain my current muscle but no heavy weights to build it. 

Lots and lots going on really. I receive the email to confirm I am the January 2015 body blitz winner so will appear in the January edition of women's health and fitness magazine :) that's exciting too. 

It does feel good to feel like myself again and get back into pushing myself when exercising. It really does make u feel amazing :) 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Starting another 12Week challenge

Last night I decided that I needed to start another challenge. unfortunately I can't find one to enter but if I put it on here it will hopefully hold me accountable. I have retaken photos and measurements and luckily (other than my butt which is likely a bit swollen from yesterdays workout seeing as my arse is KILLING me right now lol but that is what u want after a good new workout) all my measurements are pretty much the same as when I finished my last challenge.  You do worry that although I am still exercising a lot I have been a little lax on diet and there is risk to put on weight! How awesome will it be to start the new year at my goal weight :)

Start Date: 11th October 2014
End Date: 3rd Jan 2015

Weigh and measure in

Weight: 75.6kg
arms: 31cm
Waist: 82cm
Hips: 93cm
Gluts: 109cm
Thigh: 104.5cm (64.5cm)
Calf 39.5cm
Just above knee: 45cm

Goal weight 65kg

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

First enticer tri done but I've hit a slump

On Sunday I completed my first enticer tri of the season.
300swim/8km ride/3km run 
I did it in 49min in the end including transition which I am happy about. Being my first back an having only had a baby in march that's pretty good. 
Times wise I did 6:29min/20min/20:03min

The swim could have been better it was in a pool and I kept getting stuck behind slow people and having to over take them. 
The girl who came first did the times I would normally in a training session. My issue was the heat. I'm used to training at 5-6am this was at 8:30-9:30 and it was a hot day. 
The next one is in 8 weeks so it will be even hotter but I'm going to start training harder. 

So then comes the slump. It doesn't help I'm sick. I woke up with it the day before the tri :( it's just a cold but it's crap. It comes with a killer headache I just can't ditch and I'm so bloody tired. My body just feels exhausted. The boys have it too so they are miserable which adds to my exhaustion. 

My diet isn't 100% but it's not bad. I'm just mindlessly snacking. If I had the energy I would do a quick calorie count. Problem is I have plateaued in my weight loss and it's annoying me. I still have 10-15lg to lose easily. I'm working out 1 1/2 hours a day.y diet is 90% good. I know plateaues happen and u do eventually break through but they are certainly frustrating. 

How do I reel my mind back in? I'm struggling at the weight training bit but I think that's because I have upped my cardio so much. I'm doing that for the triathlons. I really enjoy cardio. I know most people don't but I do. I'm not enjoying the weights but is that simply just because I'm too tired? 
Then there is maybe I'm not fueling right? Maybe I'm not getting enough fuel for everything I'm doing? Then again I am sick and perhaps over thinking this. 

I need to sit down and reassess and refocus. Look at what I'm doing and what needs to change. Hopefully this cold thing passes soon. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Busy little bee and WINNER!

So I have been a bit slack on here but things have just been so busy I've had my head down bum up and workin away. 

Things have been going great exercise wise. Diet well I'm still snacking too much. I haven't been organised enough due to slacking off just that little bit so I haven't had the required food. Breakfast lunch and dinner are great but I had no healthy snacks partly because I forgot them last weeks shopping. I have them now after today's shop though. Only problem was maltesers were on special. Those little malt balls of goodness are pure evil lol. 

I am still hoping to weigh in 1kg down this week. I ende up restarting this 12weeks. After Zach got sick then the other 2 boys and having a whole week of a max 1-2hours sleep at night I was searching for empty calories during the day. I actually went back up to 76kg :( I'm back down to 75.4 now but that's how easy it happens. 

Training wise things are good. I have my first mini tri this weekend :) I know I can do each distance easily. It's only short. 300m swim/ 9km ride / 3km run.

Now I have been doing these distances a lot over the last couple of weeks. 300m swim takes around 6 minutes, the 9km ride about 18mins and the 3km run i can do in just under 17minutes. But this is all separately. 
The swim I have trained to use mostly arm to ensure my legs aren't too tired. But it's the jelly feeling after the ride that gets u. I do have some big hills here that I do on my rode run which adds to the jelliness. This is the same course i did in 2008 so I know there aren't any hills so hopefully this reduces that feeling. 

I went out for my road ride and run on Sunday. Well it was kinda a mega fail day. I just couldn't get my body moving. I did keep pushing though. I think there were 2 big issues. Firstly I was on AF and I think my iron drops dramatically so I have started taking a supplement twice a day. Also te heat. I went just slightly later than normal and the spring heat is already setting in. I'm used to running at 5-6. This was 6:30-7:30 and it was HOT! My body is definitely not used to it and it hit me hard! 
I really have to hydrate this week. My race doesn't even start until 9am so it's likely to be 25 degrees and the sun has a kicker bite even at that time of day. 

I am a bit nervous about it all. It's been a very long time since I have done it and I'm doing it alone. No one I know is interested in this stuff. It's ok though. I will feel so good once I'm doing :)

Oh and I Nearly forgot haha not sure how but I was contacted by the magazine a couple of weeks ago and I am a monthly winner :) the lady said they are thinking of publishing my story in the December edition. I will update more details when I know. 

So the habit of exercise has well and truly set in. Most days are a blurry haze of busy activity. I missed a day last week as Zach had not slept. He screamed ALL night and I ended up getting him to bed at 5:30am. Although I didn't get to go to sleep myself there was no way I was pushing my body to go to the gym. I did how ever feel it. I just feel so much more energetic and motivated when I go to the gym or even just my road run and ride. Getting that done in the morning is a fantastic start to the day.

After a few months it really does just become habit and a way of life. Now to control my sweet snacking and I will be doing really well! :) 

I have settled in with the working but too. Most days I do 3-4hours of book work. I'm hoping to get it down to 2-3days only. It's hard working from home as u do always have ur little ones to attend to and if they are a little off they want lots of cuddles. It's a double edge knife really as working from home means I can spend more time with the kids and they spend less time at day care but it also means work takes me 4 times as long due to constant interruptions if I had a few solid hours a few days a week it would be so much more productive. The fact that I can do work now without them trying to touch my computer is a great start :) I'm sure once Zach gets Mobile that will change. 

I've also had a change of diet. Probably why the weight isn't coming off as quick as I would like. Hubby and I are going to start trying for no4 in January and we are doing a girl sway. If it's a boy we will be happy of course but this is our last and a girl would be lovely. A girl diet though involves lots of dairy for calcium. My body doesn't like dairy at all. :( but I'm doing it until we are UTD! 

I will go through my new diet and exercise plan next blog :) 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Down week

So I've had a bit of an off week. Little Zach has decided its time for a wonder leap and for the last 3 nights has woken 2 hourly. Agh!! I'm out of the habit of no sleep as we were at 2 wake ups. So I've been too exhausted to drag my butt out of bed at 5:30 to get to the gym. 
I've also been snacking too much. :( my main meals are great it's just the mindless snacking partly from being so tired and searching for the energy boost. 

I'm in week 2 of this second round and I haven't had the best start but thats ok. I'm going to dust myself off and pick myself up and tomorrow back into it. 
I have a bit of a cold too but that's never stopped me. 
Back to the gym in the morning and stopping the mindless snacks :) 
I weighed in at 76.1kg this morning. So that's up 700g but there is still 3 days until official weekly weigh in so still time to turn it around and at least break even. :) still 10 1/2 weeks until my birthday and end of round 2 and plenty of time to reach my goal of hitting the 60's so even 69.9 is reaching that goal. 65kg is my ultimate goal but being the last 10kg I know it's much harder to lose so I'm being more realistic about what I can achieve. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014


So I've had many complements in the last few days since completing the challenge and so any people asking for my secret. They get so disappointed when i tell them I did it the old fashioned way with diet and exercise. There are no quick fixes. 
The last 12 weeks were hard. I'm not going to lie it took a lot of focus and determination. You can't do something like that until you are ready. There were many days I could have slept in.
Doing something like that with a new born as Zach was only 2 1/2 months when I started and he woke up 3-4times a night. Having 2 toddlers meant no restduring  the day either so if I only got an hour or 2 sleep that's what I needed to function on until bed the next night.
At around the 6 week mark I barely got more than an hour sleep a night for over a week. I had all 3 boys sick with a cold and all 3 needed something multiple times a night. I could have given up but I wanted it to much to do that. I might have been blary eyed and exhausted and not able to give 100% at gym but I went and I gave it all I could. 

I also could never have done it without the support of my husband. We couldn't afford the extra cost of the crèche at the gym so I needed him to do the morning shift so I could get to the gym. 
I put in more hours than one normally would and 40min-1hour is more than enough 3 times a week for slow steady loss. If this is all u can do that's ok. Just know that eventually it will pay off. I also spent 6 weeks showing B that I was serious at this. For the first 6 weeks I did early morning runs and rides and back yard workout sessions with the kids. Blake played while Tyler tried to copy everything I did. I just did a workout when ever u could. Skipping, burpees, push ups, sit-ups, jump squats, lunges etc. 

The other side is weightloss is 80% diet. If u can eat well and exercise 3 times a week for 1 hour ur body will start to change and the weight will come off. You will just have to be patient but it is a lifestyle change not a quick fix. Most people think they are eating well and u might be but if ur maintaining weight then u need to have a calorie deficit to start dropping again. Ur body will do everything it can to maintain it's current equilibrium.
In the last 12 weeks the harder I trained the hungrier I got because my body was trying to keep itself at my current weight. If u want to lose put the effort into calorie counting for a bit. Myfitnesspal makes if really easy. Work out what u currently consume. Then adjust ur diet to take in less calories. Not too much though as ur body will slow your metabolism right down and also start breaking down muscle stores if you are consuming too few calories. I was consuming 1800cal a day while pregnant. I dropped to 1600 at the start of this challenge. I wanted to lose more faster so though if I drop more I will lose more but it didn't work. I fel tired and weak and I couldn't train effectively. So 1400 was too little but 1500 is perfect. 

Also if you only have 3 days a week toworkout  make them count. Have a plan when u go to the gym, park or back yard for a workout. For women trying to lose weight and don't have much time HIIT sessions are the best. But you must make sure u push urself. U combine weights even just body weight exercises with intensity to get ur heart rate right up this will help burn the calories and will also increase ur resting metabolic burn. It's why a weight training program is better than a cardio based one. Cardio will burn only at the time u do it, weights will burn all day. I combined both as I was able to and hence why I lost 11.4kg in 12weeks. Doing what I did was hard on the body. If meant working out while sore and tired. It meant pushing myself through my pain barrier every training session. I love exercise. I love the pain I love the burn. Most don't. Most will actually do much better with slow stready weight loss and that's great. We all need to work to our strengths. 

One of the stand out things I learnt early on was that if u wait for the time to exercise to be available it will never happen. We are all busy. If u want it u need to find a way to fit it in. 

Before I started my challenge I did a lot of planning. Having 3 kids under 3 i don't stop. Even sitting here writing this blog is taking time from something I should be doing. I set out a daily plan each week. 
When I do washing on Sundays I put the kids daycare clothes out and pack their daycare bags. This way it doesn't need to be done by B in the morning or me in a mad rush out the door. 
The two days my kids are at day care I do everything that is too hard when I have all 3 kids. This includes grocery shopping, a full house clean and all the paperwork for the fish and chip shop we own. I also do any bulk cookin i need to to help the week run smoother. During this 12 weeks I didn't stop once. I watch neighbours whilst I give Zach a bottle for bed but that's the only tv I watch. From the moment I wake up till the moment I go to bed I don't stop. Something that probably help me lose the weight too. I don't have a weekend. B works weekends and occasionally I will take the boys somewhere special but mostly we just push through like a normal working week. As we own a fish and chip shop B's 2 days off we spend prepping that for the week. Shopping, good prep etc.  

We are in a routine now though. B struggled a bit a first with getting up and organising the boys but now that he can see how happy and confident I am he knows how important it is. He can also see how much I do everyday so he is willing to step up and do it. If also gives him time to spend with the boys as he does work so much now. 

But this is a lifestyle change for me and I am loving it. 
So tomorrow marks the start of spring. The pool opens at the gym tomorrow so it's an early morning swim followed by my final PT session. 
My first mini tri is 1 month away so most of my training will now centre around this. 
I have done up a new training schedule and diet but this post has taken too long already so that for another day. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

12 week challenge finished.

Well I finished my 12 week challenge yesterday and I reached my goal :) yay! 
Final stats 
Measurement wise 
Arms -4.5cm
Chest -7cm
Waist -12.5cm
Hips -13cm
Thighs -15cm 
Gluts -12.5cm
Calf -3cm

I still got up and went to the gym this morning and still eating really well. 
Everyone said once I was finished I would stop. No this is a lifestyle change :)

Now the training begins for the 3 mini. triathlons I've entered over the next few months :) 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

In the last week

I've been a bit quiet I've just had my head down working hard. 
So in the final week only 4 days to go. 
I weighed in at 76.9 last week which leaves me 1kg to lose for this week. 

I did a practice run with my tan late last week and it looks good. Just a little colour and definitely not over the top. 

So I'm planning on doing another 12 week challenge after this one. This next one has 2 mini triathlons in it so my training will have a lot of focus on this but also muscle definition whilst hopefully getting the last 10kg off. 

I will also look at a bit of a change in diet. Firstly to spice it up a bit but also the wheather is warming up so I like salads for lunch in warmer seasons. 

I went for a different road run this morning figured it was time to change and make it more challenging. I knew of some stairs I wanted to head to and do a few laps of so I headed out this morning. I did my normal walk up the hill outside our house. Ran to the stairs did 10laps and ran home walking two small hills about 50-100m each.
I did the calculations when I got home. 4km there. 550 stairs (55stairs x10) and 4km home in 65mins! 
Very happy with my fitness progress but wow I was very sore and shaky after that one. I will make it my normal Sunday road run now and just try to improve every week. 

I was also 3 seconds off doing my 5km Treadmil run in under 30mins. 

I'm going to incorporate constants into my training too so I can work on PBs for them. I know they say u don't need to do cardio etc etc. but I love it. I love running and like cycling lol. Perhaps as I get stronger at riding I will like it more too. 

At the moment though I have a sick little baby who needs my focus and attention. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

2 weeks to go

So I have had a bad week. I stuck to the exercise I didn't miss a beat there and I ate reasonably well. I stuck to my diet mostly but I kept snacking. I'm a chocoholic I am the first to admit that and this week I had way too much. LOVE my sweet food. Cakes, buscuits etc. It seems to link in with ovulation for me. I want another baby and or some reason my mind gets so stuck on this around ovulation. We aren't going to try until next year but it's still on my mind a lot. Now that's passed today I am super focused again and ready to smash out these last 2 weeks! 

I have a bit of a cold again which is annoying. Having little kids they bring everything home from day care. It's nothing major just headaches, sinus and a bit of muscle stiffness especially in my neck. 

I have been doing really well with my cardio. Not sure if I have already mentioned my 5km run but I did it in 31min which I was very happy with. So after this I thought I would do my ride then run. I did the 9km ride and 3km run in 35mins. 
I've gotten my 3km run down to 17min.

So the mini tri is getting closer. It's on the 5th October. It's a 300m swim, 9km ride and 3km run. I have the run and ride down but I'm really wanting to get into that pool. It opens in 2 weeks. They close it for the winter which is understandable as it's a quiet time and they always have a lifeguard on when the pool is open. 

I don't think I have lost any weight with which of course im annoyed at myself for. If I had stuck to my diet I would be closer to my goal. Now I still have 3.2kg to lose in 2 weeks :( seem out of reach now. Won't stop my trying though. I will give it all I can. 

This is what I have decided to wear for the final photo shoot.
I'm getting my hair done on the Tuesday which I am also excited about. That and I'm getting a tan done. I can't believe how fast this 12weeks has gone. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Plugging away

So things have just been the same old. Settling into more of a routine with things. I did a 5km run at the gym yesterday morning. Did it in 31min. That's a 6m20s km! Very happy with that! 

Tomorrow is weigh in day and 3 weeks left. Today I weighed in at 78.4kg so I suspect it will be that tomorrow. 75kg is still with in reach. 

Everyone is always so shocked by how much I have lost but I am still only seeing how far I have to go! It's silly and I'm frustrating myself with it. I have done so much and worked so hard but it's those changes in my body after kids that's hard to accept. The fat on the tummy is the hardest. :( 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Well the rest day was so worth it

After feeling a little frustrated last night at my decision to have a rest dayi woke up this morning and killed in my training. 

I did my 5.5km road run in 43mins I them went to the gym and did a heavy weight session on my legs. 

I also weighed in at 78.7kg!
That now takes me to 20kg lost since the day Zach was born on the 17th march. 
7.9kg lost in 8 weeks on this challenge. 3.7lg till my goal of 75kg for this challenge and 13.7kg till my ultimate goal of 65kg! 

I have also decided to change my training schedule to do one session of heavy weights and one session of high intensity super sets on upper body and lower body. Add in Mondays PT session and them I only have 1 more session to make up so I think I will add a whole abs session. This will ensure my muscle are getting adequate rest. 

I mentioned I changed my diet a little well I added in 3-4dates soaked over night in 50ml almond milk to my morning smoothy and I have also added pink salmon to my lunch time omelette. It's not much but I was always so so hungry so I just think I needed a little more fuel. Losing almost 1kg a week would signify my calorie deficit is enough :) couples with workouts and muscle recovery I'm thinking I have a good balance. It makes my calories back around 1500-1600 a day but I'm clearly meeting it and using it. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Listening to my body

So this morning at 5am I made the executive decision to have a rest day. My body is tired my mind is tired and I just needed some rest and I honestly feel really good for it :) this isn't a stop and giving up its that for 8 weeks I have been pushing my body hard and it just needed some tlc. 

I am hoping this rest will enable me to come back hard in these last 4 weeks. 
I simply wasn't able to put the intensity in or mentally fight through the pain. I tried refocusing etc but nothing worked. So perhaps some time out will :) 

I was a little worried I was over training a bit. My body can certainly handle it but if my body tells me to give it a rest then I need to. 

Tomorrow morning I will do my 5km road run then my leg session. My legs will be tired after my run but I have only done legs once this week and I am only able to do cardio before the gym so it is what it is :) I will just give it all I can :)

I'm feeling more motivated and focused today which is great and doesn't normally happen on a rest day. Normally I feel like I'm letting myself down but rest and sleep are just as important as diet and exercise in the weightloss battle. Understanding this and working with it not against it makes a world of difference mentally. 

So official weigh in for the end of week 8 was 79.4kg. :) 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I think it's just going to be one of those weeks. I'm still getting out of bed in still doing my workouts and in eating well I'm just finding it hard to put the intensity into my workouts. I did well with my run this morning but when it came to the weights when it got tuff my mind wasn't there to push through the pain. I kept trying but I just didn't have it. So I changed it up a but instead of my normal arm routine I decided to give some of the big heavy weight machines a go. Still worked my arms but it was just something different and it certainly didn't have the intensity of my normal workout. 

This will happen though and I just need to work my way through it. Keep up my training and stick to the diet and eventually the slump will pass. It's highly likely it's woman issue related which is typical lol :) 

So we are down to 4 weeks to go! Time is actually goin really quickly. Tomorrow is weekly weigh in day but this morning I was 79.4kg so it's likely I will weigh in at that. It's a 500g loss for the week which is really good healthy weight loss but it leaves me 3.5-4.4kg to lose to get to my goal. In 4 weeks it's possible but it will be pushing it. All I can do is try and try my hardest :) 
I'm going to do measurements today. I haven't done them since week 6. Hopefully I see some good number drops. 

I've been trying to do more and more research as I don't feel u can ever know enough. I have found this guy in the US that seems to know his stuff. He has competed in a lot of comps but has a phd in nutritional science. I want to see if I can learn some more from him. His name escapes me right now he has a company bio something. Will have to look it up again. 

I only have a cert III in fitness and I need to complete my cert IV but I just feel the stuff taught in these courses is so general and basic. I would like to specialise in women, pregnancy, post partum, focusing on proper metabolic function and optimal body performance. 
Sure just going to the gym is a great start but surely if u could optimise ur time there to achieve great results and the best body u can for the time u available. Most trainers out there only have likited knowledge and although they enjoy fitness they are really passionate about it. 
Granted the gym I go to is a fantastic community gym not really offering any sort of elite type of training as it's not their thing. 
Guess what I am saying is I want to learn from the people who live and breath this stuff. Spend there time understanding the science and physiology behind it all. 

Not just sticking to the age old for women lots reps at low weights so u don't bulk up and become hulk barbie! 
No woman unless taking a testosterone steroid will not naturally become this! :) 

Enough rambling just excited to learn more :) it's been a few years since my brain has had a good decent workout! Love my kids but little kids aren't really mentally stimulating. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014


So I have had a few people ask me recently why I am doing this.
I think I have gone over it before but its something I do remind myself of every day so its probably a good time to go through it on here again.

Before I had kids I was always in search of a better looking body. after I had kids this all changed. I remember when I was younger and my parents would take us to the water park or the beach my mum always used to sit far away and read her book.  She was so embarrassed by her weight that she didn't join in life with us. I never want this to happen to me. I have always been an active person anyway but I do not want my weight dictating my life in anyway.  I could just accept being over weight and get out there anyway but I know I wont. I would always have that voice in my head and this would distract from what was happening. Now I am not expecting to look like a 20 year old in a bikini! lets be realistic here I am 32 soon and a mum of 3! :) but I do want to be able to put a swimsuit on and get out there and run around and do everything that my kids are doing. To have the energy and the fitness to keep up. Having 3 boys that never stop I am sure that will be a challenge in itself some times but knowing this keeps me going.

I also want a long healthy life with them.  I had kids a bit later, partly from working on my career and meeting my hubby late and then the 2 years of miscarriages and trouble conceiving but it is what it is and I would like to still have enough years left in me when the grand kids come along.

Finally I want to be a good role model for my kids. I want to lead the healthy happy life I want them to lead.  Being boys I am sure they will be able to get away with eating a lot more crap than I can but that's OK as long as I give them the foundations that's what matters. I can't expect them to eat healthy and be active if I am not.

One of those days with some refocusing required.

Woke up this morning thought I was all pumped to go but got to the gym and fizzled. Had a PT session but my mind and body just didn't have it. After that I did a 9km ride and a fat burner circuit on the elliptical trainer but I didn't have it in me to push. Normally I can focus on the music and push myself really hard. Today I just wanted to stop lie on the floor and go to sleep! 

It's leading up to that time of the month again so it may just be that. Having had 3 kids in 3 years I haven't had them very often so it will probably take my body a while to adjust to the hormonal changes again. Still a week away though and im alread bloated and crampy and sore back. Agh so not fun! Also need some extra willpower as I do just want to EAT! 

The two oldest are at day care so during little Zach's nap I might have a nice hot Epsom salt bath and print out my 7week comparison photos and some more motivational ones. Only 4 1/2 weeks to go. 

I'm still eating well but could be better and training but as yesterday was rest day and today only burnt 700cal I feel like I'm relaxing too much. It's so close to the end now is not the time to back off.

I'm going to spend the arvo refocusing and tomorrow I'm going to hit the gym hard! :) strict diet until the finish line. 

I can do this and I will because I want it! 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rest day!

Finally after 9 days straight due to having last Thursday off instead of the Sunday the rest is a welcome relief to my body. 

I will do some stretching today which I'm looking forward to but that's it. My hip flexors are very tight. 

I went for my 5.5km road run yesterday. I felt really strong running yes actually running not my jog and did the first half super quick but I stopped to walk once to tie my jacket around my waist and after that my legs just felt super heavy and sore. I kept jogging on the way home woul jog as far as I could push then I walked again till some lactic acid was gone and then back to jogging again. 
I did the 5.5km including a 7min walk warm up in 50mins so I was happy with that. After that I went to the gym for an arm workout :) I superset most of it but I could certainly feel the fatigue in my body. 

So yesterday I did something I knew I shouldn't have. For 2 reasons. Firstly the bad fat calories and 2nd because I felt like utter crap afterwards. So my mums owns a fish and chip shop and B and I are in the process of buying it of her. Now B loves his cooking so we are changing and he has already changed the a lot of the food from frozen stuff to freshly made stuff. It is still battered and crumbed and deep fried but it's a lot fresher and way better tasting. Having 3 kids I won't be able to do much physical work in the shop but I am going to be doing a lot of the food preparations here at home. 
Anyway so I took the boys in there for lunch yesterday and we had some fish and potato scollops and chips. I didn't eat overalls but within the hour of eating it I felt tired and lethargic and got the worst headache. By late afternoon I had a tummy ache :( no wonder over weight unhealthy people feel horrible, tired, sick and lethargic all the time :( 

I would love to add a healthy range but it's not what people want when they get take away fish and chips. They already do sandwiches, wraps and salads but I might just see if there are some other options perhaps? For those mums or dads out there who want to get takeaway on a Friday night the family wants fatty stuff but one might not. I would usually order grilled fish and salad but surely I can come up with something else. 

So I'm still a little frustrated by what my brain sees as lack of progress. I know I have come so far in such a short space of time and I am looking forward to plugging away at achieving my goal over the next 5 months. I would like to be 65kg by Chrissy! 

Now in saying this of course this will be my focus plus this new shop and also trying to get our family into a routine for all of this but B and I have discussed it and we have decided to start trying for our final member of our family early next year. Probably around march when Zach turns one. I would like to make sure all my hard work to lose my weight and get fit doesn't go down the tube so I would also like to spend some time researching over the next few months safe ways to exercise etc. I would like to continue with my daily gym work outs etc and I know this is healthy to do I just want to make sure I am doing the right things :) 

So lots and lots going to be happening in the next 12moths! Every exciting! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Week 7 comparison

So I'm not actually due to take photos until next week but I just wanted a boost and needed to see how far I have come. 
This is my week 7 comparison pics. 
Definitely big changes but still a long way to go. I would really love to see more tone but that will take a lot more time. Still a very high body fat percent. 
79.7kg. 7.1kg loss in 7 weeks. 5 weeks to go! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hello to the 70's!

Finally I weighed in at 79.9kg this morning. It's been such a long time since I have seen this number and I know technically it's still 80 but it's not it 79.9kg! That's a 500g loss already this week and still 2 more days till my official weigh in on Friday. 
Less than 5kg to my goal for this challenge. 

I've made some chances to my diet I will run through them when I get a chance :) 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Finally a good leg session

This morning I woke up and my legs and butt are sore! Yay. Not a lot but enough to know I pushed them yesterday. No matter what I was doing they just weren't hurting! It was frustrating! 

As I only had an hour I did 1 set of tri-set and then went into super sets. So I did a heavy weight followed by a non weighted exercise working the same muscle. So 20kg on the calf raise followed by jump ups on toes. Bar squat followed by squats. Should have done jump squats there but I am trying to perfect my squat technique. 9kg dumbbell walking lung with plyometic lunges. 

I was going to go for a run this morning but as my legs were sore i gave it a miss. Running at 6am in the freezing cold isn't very inviting as it is lol. 

So when Blake goes down for a nap I'm going to do a HIIT session. 
30secs on 15sec rest btwn exercises then a 1m30s rest between sets
Mountain climbers
Jump squats
Plyometic lunges
V-sit ups
Spider mans
Push ups 

Then I'm going to do a good stretching session. 

So I do think finally the results are starting to come :) only 1 week since my last photos and again I can see a difference. Long time since I fitted into the yellow bikini. 

Still a long way to go to get the muscle definition that I want but I am getting there with the weightloss a least. I have lots of people always commenting in how good I'm looking :) 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Getting SO close

Weighed in at 80.5kg this morning!!! In getting so close to those 70's! 500g.

This puts me into a better frame if mind thinking I can get to 75 by completion. I have 5 weeks to go 5.4kg isn't that unrealistic. Even 4.5kg would take me down to 75.9! It's still 75! :) It's going to require even more focus and determination but I want it so I'm going to work my butt off to try and achieve it. 

I did a good session at the gym this morning. I did a slow steady session as I had been sick. I still managed to run 3km in 20mins and did all my arm weights but I only super set not tri set them followed by my low intensity cardio on the elliptical trainer. I burnt 950cal in 1hr40 so not bad. 

I only have 1 hour to smash it out tomorrow morning as it's Saturday and the gym doesn't open until 7 and B has to leave for work at about 8:15. I'm going to do a tri-set leg session but I just need to sort it out some more. The last one I did wasn't intense enough. Could have been because I was getting sick but still. I really want to do some glut work. I do heaps of thigh stuff but nothing much that really targets gluts. I know squats and lunges should but I just don't feel it as much there. Will try to do some research once the boys go down to bed tonight. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Today is one of those make or break things. Yesterday afternoon I came down with some kind of stomach vomiting bug. I we throwing up until 2am after which I had to give Zach a bottle at 2:30 then Tyler woke up then Blake and Blake again. Eventually at 5:30 I got to bed fell asleep. Saving grace was the kids slept until 7:30. 

I'm still feeling queezy today and shocking headache probably from not eating much but all round just feel tired and crap. 

I'm sure I will be fine tomorrow if I manage a reasonably decent sleep tonight but the way I feel today I wonder how I ever felt good exercising or how I ever will again. 

I'm a shocking sick person I find it such an inconvenience. Give me healthy energetic at the gym kind of day any day! 

Being tired is also making my fatigued body harder to deal with. 

Anyway not much of a post mainly a whinge but it's going to test my resolve getting up early tomorrow and going to the gym. It's moments like this it would be easier to just give up. Have fatty takeout for dinner a few glasses of wine and sleep in tomorrow but I know in the long term I will feel so much better getting up and going to the gym! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Slipped just slightly

So since my 1/2 way point weigh in I have slipped a little. Mainly in diet. Nothing major but it's the little things that could hurt come final weigh in. 

So on Sunday I had a friend come over. I made some sugar free, dairy free, gluten free things made with quinoa, coconut, rice malt syrup and egg whites. I ate far too many of them but that's all I ate between breakfast and dinner. We just sat and chatted and I picked. I stuck to breakfast and dinner so not too bad.

Then yesterday and today I had some ham and cheese on my lunch wrap and a couple of mini milky ways. It's not break the bank kind of stuff and no point beating myself up what's done is done.

Exercise has been great. I have started doing tri-sets for my weights. It's hard work and it burns lots more calories and it's supposed to burn all day. 
What's involved is u do 3 exercises targeting the same area. Eg leg extension, jump squats and hamstring curls. U do each exercise 12 times and u repeat the set 6 times no rest. The burn is bad by the end and some times I need to drop the weight to finish or for things like jump squats I just go to failure. U rest between tri-sets. 

After I do this I do 20mins low intensity cardio and in a session I burn around 900cal. 

I am still greatly struggling by what I am perceiving is my lack of progress. I hit a huge mile stone the other day I dragged out my skinny clothes bag and I was shocked that 99% of it fit. Ok i still need a couple more cm to be 100% comfortable wearing it in public but they were size 12 and they fit. I'm 10kg heavier than when I wore them last so I'm thinking I must have so much more muscle this time around. This being the case I am hating that 81kg on the scales, I'm hating the belly fat that I'm just not used to. Before I had kids I didn't have this my belly was the last place I put on fat. 

It's a mental hurdle I need to over come. It's all part of the process of me learning to love my new post baby body. I am losing weight and that is certainly helping but the reality is your body is different after having kids. Ur hips are different, ur boobs, ur belly. In time some of this may go back to what it was. I am only 17weeks post partum and my hormones are still returning to normal. It will take time for my body to respond to normal hormones again. 

I do need to pull my head in with my diet. Stay strong and stick to it. Diet is 80% of weight loss and for me to be putting so much effort into my exercise I need to bring it home with diet. 

This is a 12week challenge and once I reach my target weigh of 65kg which of course won't be during this challenge but once I do reach it I can return to a more balance maintenance type diet and lifestyle. I can't do the slow weightloss thing. I am a strong willed all in kind of person. Go hard or go home. It's the way I do everything in my life :) it's just me. I get bored and move on other wise. 

This is some pics of me in my skinny clothes 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

1/2 way

So By my dates I'm 1/2 way through my challenge today. The magazine took a week to process so for them it's next week but I have to say im a bit disappointed which is silly.

My measurements are great 
 5.7kg loss. 
Arms -3.5cm off each
Chest -6cm
Waist -10cm
Gluts -7cm
Thighs -4cm off each
Calf -2.5cm off each 
Hips -9cm

Perhaps it's that I weighed in at 81.1kg? Getting back into the 70's would have been nice :( 

These are my photos :( top ones are the start obviously. 
They aren't pretty :( still a long way to go but it is what it is and I can only improve from here so posting these photos is for a reminder of why I am doing this because yes it is embarrassing posting a photo of what I look like but to never feel this embarrassment again will keep me going! 

I've had to have a rest day today as I have a niggle in my lower back. It was sore yesterday after my work out and I put a heat pack and anti inflam on it and it feels ok today but still tender. I was up and could have gone to the gym this morning but I was worried with it being tender if I pushed it I could really do an injury. I hadn't had a rest day in over a week so I was due for one anyway. 

In 6 weeks i did pick at a few chocolates here and there nothing major and I had 2 bad eating days but I still made sure I came in under my calories. I started out lighter with my exercise to ensure I didn't injure myself. 3 years of not much exercise I've had to build myself into it. I now run 3km in 20mins 5-6days a week i do weights 6 days a week and I also do 20mins low intensity exercise after my weights every day. I have a PT sessions on Monday. 

I did some reading yesterday and I am learning a lot. The guy knows his stuff. Now I have decided I definitely don.'to want to figure compete. They get so low in body fat their period stops and every thing. No thanks. For me this is a change in lifestyle. I want to really tone up and really drop body fat but not to that extent.  I am following their off season diet and over the next 6 weeks will increase my workout intensity even more. 

So my diet that I had worked out myself was what he recommended which I was really happy about. :) 
With the exercise I need to up the intensity by keeping my heart rate up and in the uncomfortable zone for longer. 
To do this it's similar to what I did in my PT session on Monday. 
So during a weight session if I do squats i follow it up by jump squats, lunges followed by plyometic lung jumps. 
For other exercises do ones that incorporate the whole body moving. So shoulder work incorporate squats into it etc. it's going to be hard work but it's what I need to do. 

I want to be at least 75kg at the end of this challenge. I know I will be disappointed if I'm not. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Another challenging day

I  slowly learning my triggers for eating and a really big one is tiredness. Last night was a shocker. So B and I haven't been the closest lately 3 kids under 3 u get so busy u just pass each other. Because I am out the door early I am usually in bed by 9 and do 1-2 wake ups over night with Zach and out the door to the gym 5:30ish.

Well last night Ben had a movie for us to watch so I thought I would stay up and watch it with him and it was nice to snuggle and watch a movie together. It's been a long time. Anyway that finished at 10:30 and just as we were heading to bed Zach woke for a feed. He never wakes that early. Agh so I fed him put him down went to bed. Blake woke crying at 11:30, and 12:30, Zach woke for another bottle at 1:30 and then Tyler woke crying at 2:30. Finally after this I got to sleep only to be woke at 5:45 by Zach for another bottle. After this bottle I put him down and went to the gym eyes bulging out of my head! 

So because of this tiredness im searching for energy. I had my smoothy for breakfast but since then I have had 3 Freddo frogs and for lunch I had 2 rye wraps with avocado, ham, processed cheese slice and tomato. I know it's not that bad and normally it would be ok but I'm on this challenge I'm almost 1/2 way though and I know I will be disappointed it I don't get to my goal. 
But I've pulled my head in. I entered it into myfitnesspal so it just need to make sure I don't tip over my calories for the day. 

As for my day at the gym well I am finding my legs aren't sore after a workout. So I thought perhaps it's from bad form as in not getting deep enough in the squats and using the full range of muscle motion. So today I dropped my weights to start and am going to work on techniques. Feels like I've done nothing though so we will see. It was a bit of a rushed session though as I was running so late. 

Hopefully the boys have a better night so I can get some good sleep and get to the gym early. 

Monday, July 7, 2014


Well those scales finally shifted! 81.6kg! The 70's are so close I can taste them! I haven't been in the 70's since my 2nd miscarriage in 2009. 

But the milestone is I am now over half way. I have lost 17.1kg since the day Zach was born on the 17th March and I have 16.6kg to go to get to my goal of 65kg! 

Yay! :) next Friday marks the midway point of this challange and I would really like to be in the 70's. Even 79.9kg would do :) 

I had another pt session this morning. Was really good we did weights followed by a plyometic set. So for example I did squats using the smith machine heaviest weight reaching muscle fatigue in 12 squats and then straight into jump squats. Omfg talk about hard work! Lol it's great though I love being pushed. My trainer loves anything jumping- jump squats, jump lunges, frog jumps. I suck at jumping. Lol hopefully over time I improve! Haha 

I have to up my ab routine. I'm not doing much and what I am doing is gettig easy so I am going to look into that tomorrow. Find some good exercises. 

And I have to add this one simply because I found it absolutely hilarious! 

Saturday, July 5, 2014


I found this last night and I love it! This is going on my fridge! 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Why u should take photos.

So I'm still sick! Agh and the scales have stalled on 82kg agh! I know u go through ups and downs of weight loss etc but it doesn't help. I know u shouldn't watch the scales but when I have 17-20kg still to lose I expect to see those numbers drop. Sure when I get to the last 5-10kg it will be different but until then damit. 

Anyway it's been one month since I took some photos of me in my dream clothes. The ones I want to look good in again.
The dress u can't see much difference but the jeans. Well I was so NOT even expecting to get them over my butt yet! 

Still a long way to go but it just shows I'm clearly losing the cm. losing fat and gaining muscle! I can start to see the muscle definition coming through the plentiful layers of fat I still have but see that hint of muscle is nice. 

This morning at the gym it was super quiet and I was the only one in the weights room. So I thought I would try those few weights I really want to so but was too embarrassed if anyone was around incase I did something stupid. 

Anyway I can now dead lift and also free bar squat and lung! Yay. No more smith machine. While the smith machine is great this forces me to 100% use all the right muscles especially core as I need to hold the bar steady as flat where as the smith machine will do that for u. 

So after my wavering motivation thinking nothing was happening after seeing those photos I can see something definitely is.
So glad I took them now makes getting up in the freezing cold dark worth it! 

Sumer bodies are made in winter! 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Week 5

So this week has been both really good and really bad.

So the week started off great I had my first PT session. Tabatta HIIT session. It's Thursday and I'm still sore! Which is awesome. After I still managed a 2.77km jog In 20mins. Tuesday and Wednesday was mainly cardio as i was sore mixed with some weights. Tuesday I finally cracked 3km in 20mins! Yay! 

Anyway the cold I have had for what 2 weeks now just keep amping up. It was bad yesterday but last night I could not stop coughing. Heavy chesty flem both on chest and in nose. Dark thuck green yellow stuff. So gross. :( I made the decision over night i needed a  rest day to let my body fight this cold a little. Then when I got up this morning my first lot of monthlys arrived. First proper one after the birth of zach. It's amazing how they just make u EAT! 

This morning was bad. I had a few bites of the boys iced finger buns :( then I had a ham, cheese and avocado rice mountain bread wrap, and to top it off I had 2 mini milky ways! Agh! All before lunch. 

I weighed in at 82kg 2 days ago so I could have dropped down to 81.5kg at tomorrow's weigh in but now I will be lucky if I make the 82. 

After that slip up I decided to refresh my motivation and go through online weight loss transformation pics and blogs. Was a good idea as I feel motivated again. Only 1/2 a day blown. 

Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better and can smash it at the gym. Pull my head in and stick strong to my diet! Might be time to print out some of my motivational pics I have on my iPhone and iPad. Stick them on the fridge. Help bring home the back half of this challenge! 

One more week until half way. I can do this! 

Two motivational pics for the day 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Rest day

This week's rest day is really needed. I've had a cold for a week but it picked up again over night. Really dark yellow/green mucus both in the nose and on the chest. Yuk! 
I even managed to have a well ended nap whilst Blake and Zach were sleeping. 
I've woken up feeling a little better but still not good. Hopefully by tomorrow I will have picked up a bit. It's only a cold not the flu so fine to keep training.

I have my first PT session at 8:30 tomorrow morning which I'm really excited about. I really hope they push me hard. I will assess what type if session it is and if I will do more after. It's only a 30min session so I might either do weights or cardio after depending on what the bulk of the session was. 

I've also been doing a bit more reading on training programs of fitness models/competitors. I doubt I would ever get to competing or anything but I'm looking to be toned to that degree. 
Training wise i am going to change to a 20min HIIT warm up of 1min sprint 1min walk 
Then I will do my weights 
Then do 30mins of low intensity cardio. 
They say to to the cardio am and weights PM but my life doesn't allow for that so I'm just modifying it and I will see how it goes. 
I'm going to start driving to the gym and doing the cardio there so I can increase my intensity. The jog I was doing to the gym just isn't pushing my body hard enough or for long enough. My running fitness has improved so much it was only taking about 7mins to jog there. 

Weights wise I'm going to change the weight and reps. We are always taught that it's 12reps etc but after my reading to really build muscle week 1-4 u should do heavy enough weights to do 8-12reps repeat 3 times. If u can do more than 12 the weight is too light if u can't do 8 then it's too heavy. Week 5-8 should be 6-8reps 3times and weeks 9-12 should be 4-6 reaps 3 times. I was doing weights heavy enough to reach muscle failure at 12reps and doing that 3 times so that was good but now I'm in week 5 I need to increase the weight to lower those reps. 

Diet wise I am going to drop to 1400cal. I'm not losing the weight I would like to. I want to push it to a definitely 1 kg a week. 

The other good thing was I went for a run on the Treadmil at the gym yesterday the big Treadmil at the gym felt like it was running for me a bit lol but after my 2min warm up I ran for 18mins 8-10km/hr.  Normally after a 10km/hr sprint i have to walk for a bit but not Saturday. It felt really good. I did 2.77km in 20mins. Getting so close to that 3km mark. 

I know rest days are so important but in definitely looking forward to gettig stuck into the week. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

End if week 4 and training

So today marks the end of week 4. 1/3 the way through this journey

Weigh in 83.0kg! 
That's a loss if 3.8kg

Cm losses 
2cm upper arms
4.5cm chest 
7cm waist 
5cm gluts
6.5cm thighs
1cm calves
7.5cm hips

So not too bad really :) I would have liked to see a little more off the gluts and thighsbut anyway.

So training.
I have been slowly increasing it every week to ensure no injuries etc seeing as it has been so long since I exercised. 
I have loved using my polar loop it really helps me monitor what I'm doing training wise as I can link it to a heart rate monitor but also just my general daily activity.

So this is the last month. I started the challenge on the 30/5. I got my loop a couple of days later but not the heart rate chest strap. I got that on the 5th. In the month I had 2 days of doing nothing as one Blake had surgery the other I had gotten no sleep and woke up feeling flu like.

The next 2 photos show my activity in more detail. So in general day to day I did 415439 steps and burnt 73120 calories! Training wise I trained for 1 whole day in the month 25 sessions and burnt 12034 calories! 

The next two outlines in detail one of my training sessions. So it was a day I ran to the gym did weights and walked/ran home. I love being able to analyse my sessions like this! 

So as we are starting a new week and new month this is my training plan

Monday : 30min PT session
Tuesday: run to gym lower body and abs strength session run/walk home
Wednesday: run to gym arms/chest/back strength session run/walk home
Thursday: run to gym lower body and abs strength session run/walk home
Friday: run to arms/chest/back strength session run/walk home
Saturday: run to gym lower body and abs strength session run/walk home
Sunday: stretching rest session

See how we go. I have purchased 10 PT sessions so in the last 3 weeks I will do 2 a week and I may also up the cardio. I will see what results I get out of this plan first. 
I would also like to alternate road riding to the gym but it's dark when I leave so I need to fit lights to my bike. Running everyday causes stress to the joints and could lead to injury. Monday coming when Tyler and Blake are in daycare I will sort my bike. It's a very long time since I did a road ride. 

I would also like to add swimming in but the pool at my gym is closing for renovations in a week and will close till mid aug. I will add in swimming when it reopens. Mainly so I can train for these think pink triathlons coming up at the end of the year! 

I know I'm doing well and I need to focus on that. For some reason I feel like I could have done better but how and where? 

It won't happen overnight but it will happen!