Sunday, July 27, 2014


So I have had a few people ask me recently why I am doing this.
I think I have gone over it before but its something I do remind myself of every day so its probably a good time to go through it on here again.

Before I had kids I was always in search of a better looking body. after I had kids this all changed. I remember when I was younger and my parents would take us to the water park or the beach my mum always used to sit far away and read her book.  She was so embarrassed by her weight that she didn't join in life with us. I never want this to happen to me. I have always been an active person anyway but I do not want my weight dictating my life in anyway.  I could just accept being over weight and get out there anyway but I know I wont. I would always have that voice in my head and this would distract from what was happening. Now I am not expecting to look like a 20 year old in a bikini! lets be realistic here I am 32 soon and a mum of 3! :) but I do want to be able to put a swimsuit on and get out there and run around and do everything that my kids are doing. To have the energy and the fitness to keep up. Having 3 boys that never stop I am sure that will be a challenge in itself some times but knowing this keeps me going.

I also want a long healthy life with them.  I had kids a bit later, partly from working on my career and meeting my hubby late and then the 2 years of miscarriages and trouble conceiving but it is what it is and I would like to still have enough years left in me when the grand kids come along.

Finally I want to be a good role model for my kids. I want to lead the healthy happy life I want them to lead.  Being boys I am sure they will be able to get away with eating a lot more crap than I can but that's OK as long as I give them the foundations that's what matters. I can't expect them to eat healthy and be active if I am not.

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