Thursday, July 17, 2014

Getting SO close

Weighed in at 80.5kg this morning!!! In getting so close to those 70's! 500g.

This puts me into a better frame if mind thinking I can get to 75 by completion. I have 5 weeks to go 5.4kg isn't that unrealistic. Even 4.5kg would take me down to 75.9! It's still 75! :) It's going to require even more focus and determination but I want it so I'm going to work my butt off to try and achieve it. 

I did a good session at the gym this morning. I did a slow steady session as I had been sick. I still managed to run 3km in 20mins and did all my arm weights but I only super set not tri set them followed by my low intensity cardio on the elliptical trainer. I burnt 950cal in 1hr40 so not bad. 

I only have 1 hour to smash it out tomorrow morning as it's Saturday and the gym doesn't open until 7 and B has to leave for work at about 8:15. I'm going to do a tri-set leg session but I just need to sort it out some more. The last one I did wasn't intense enough. Could have been because I was getting sick but still. I really want to do some glut work. I do heaps of thigh stuff but nothing much that really targets gluts. I know squats and lunges should but I just don't feel it as much there. Will try to do some research once the boys go down to bed tonight. 

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