Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Slipped just slightly

So since my 1/2 way point weigh in I have slipped a little. Mainly in diet. Nothing major but it's the little things that could hurt come final weigh in. 

So on Sunday I had a friend come over. I made some sugar free, dairy free, gluten free things made with quinoa, coconut, rice malt syrup and egg whites. I ate far too many of them but that's all I ate between breakfast and dinner. We just sat and chatted and I picked. I stuck to breakfast and dinner so not too bad.

Then yesterday and today I had some ham and cheese on my lunch wrap and a couple of mini milky ways. It's not break the bank kind of stuff and no point beating myself up what's done is done.

Exercise has been great. I have started doing tri-sets for my weights. It's hard work and it burns lots more calories and it's supposed to burn all day. 
What's involved is u do 3 exercises targeting the same area. Eg leg extension, jump squats and hamstring curls. U do each exercise 12 times and u repeat the set 6 times no rest. The burn is bad by the end and some times I need to drop the weight to finish or for things like jump squats I just go to failure. U rest between tri-sets. 

After I do this I do 20mins low intensity cardio and in a session I burn around 900cal. 

I am still greatly struggling by what I am perceiving is my lack of progress. I hit a huge mile stone the other day I dragged out my skinny clothes bag and I was shocked that 99% of it fit. Ok i still need a couple more cm to be 100% comfortable wearing it in public but they were size 12 and they fit. I'm 10kg heavier than when I wore them last so I'm thinking I must have so much more muscle this time around. This being the case I am hating that 81kg on the scales, I'm hating the belly fat that I'm just not used to. Before I had kids I didn't have this my belly was the last place I put on fat. 

It's a mental hurdle I need to over come. It's all part of the process of me learning to love my new post baby body. I am losing weight and that is certainly helping but the reality is your body is different after having kids. Ur hips are different, ur boobs, ur belly. In time some of this may go back to what it was. I am only 17weeks post partum and my hormones are still returning to normal. It will take time for my body to respond to normal hormones again. 

I do need to pull my head in with my diet. Stay strong and stick to it. Diet is 80% of weight loss and for me to be putting so much effort into my exercise I need to bring it home with diet. 

This is a 12week challenge and once I reach my target weigh of 65kg which of course won't be during this challenge but once I do reach it I can return to a more balance maintenance type diet and lifestyle. I can't do the slow weightloss thing. I am a strong willed all in kind of person. Go hard or go home. It's the way I do everything in my life :) it's just me. I get bored and move on other wise. 

This is some pics of me in my skinny clothes 

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