Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rest day!

Finally after 9 days straight due to having last Thursday off instead of the Sunday the rest is a welcome relief to my body. 

I will do some stretching today which I'm looking forward to but that's it. My hip flexors are very tight. 

I went for my 5.5km road run yesterday. I felt really strong running yes actually running not my jog and did the first half super quick but I stopped to walk once to tie my jacket around my waist and after that my legs just felt super heavy and sore. I kept jogging on the way home woul jog as far as I could push then I walked again till some lactic acid was gone and then back to jogging again. 
I did the 5.5km including a 7min walk warm up in 50mins so I was happy with that. After that I went to the gym for an arm workout :) I superset most of it but I could certainly feel the fatigue in my body. 

So yesterday I did something I knew I shouldn't have. For 2 reasons. Firstly the bad fat calories and 2nd because I felt like utter crap afterwards. So my mums owns a fish and chip shop and B and I are in the process of buying it of her. Now B loves his cooking so we are changing and he has already changed the a lot of the food from frozen stuff to freshly made stuff. It is still battered and crumbed and deep fried but it's a lot fresher and way better tasting. Having 3 kids I won't be able to do much physical work in the shop but I am going to be doing a lot of the food preparations here at home. 
Anyway so I took the boys in there for lunch yesterday and we had some fish and potato scollops and chips. I didn't eat overalls but within the hour of eating it I felt tired and lethargic and got the worst headache. By late afternoon I had a tummy ache :( no wonder over weight unhealthy people feel horrible, tired, sick and lethargic all the time :( 

I would love to add a healthy range but it's not what people want when they get take away fish and chips. They already do sandwiches, wraps and salads but I might just see if there are some other options perhaps? For those mums or dads out there who want to get takeaway on a Friday night the family wants fatty stuff but one might not. I would usually order grilled fish and salad but surely I can come up with something else. 

So I'm still a little frustrated by what my brain sees as lack of progress. I know I have come so far in such a short space of time and I am looking forward to plugging away at achieving my goal over the next 5 months. I would like to be 65kg by Chrissy! 

Now in saying this of course this will be my focus plus this new shop and also trying to get our family into a routine for all of this but B and I have discussed it and we have decided to start trying for our final member of our family early next year. Probably around march when Zach turns one. I would like to make sure all my hard work to lose my weight and get fit doesn't go down the tube so I would also like to spend some time researching over the next few months safe ways to exercise etc. I would like to continue with my daily gym work outs etc and I know this is healthy to do I just want to make sure I am doing the right things :) 

So lots and lots going to be happening in the next 12moths! Every exciting! 

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