Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Another challenging day

I  slowly learning my triggers for eating and a really big one is tiredness. Last night was a shocker. So B and I haven't been the closest lately 3 kids under 3 u get so busy u just pass each other. Because I am out the door early I am usually in bed by 9 and do 1-2 wake ups over night with Zach and out the door to the gym 5:30ish.

Well last night Ben had a movie for us to watch so I thought I would stay up and watch it with him and it was nice to snuggle and watch a movie together. It's been a long time. Anyway that finished at 10:30 and just as we were heading to bed Zach woke for a feed. He never wakes that early. Agh so I fed him put him down went to bed. Blake woke crying at 11:30, and 12:30, Zach woke for another bottle at 1:30 and then Tyler woke crying at 2:30. Finally after this I got to sleep only to be woke at 5:45 by Zach for another bottle. After this bottle I put him down and went to the gym eyes bulging out of my head! 

So because of this tiredness im searching for energy. I had my smoothy for breakfast but since then I have had 3 Freddo frogs and for lunch I had 2 rye wraps with avocado, ham, processed cheese slice and tomato. I know it's not that bad and normally it would be ok but I'm on this challenge I'm almost 1/2 way though and I know I will be disappointed it I don't get to my goal. 
But I've pulled my head in. I entered it into myfitnesspal so it just need to make sure I don't tip over my calories for the day. 

As for my day at the gym well I am finding my legs aren't sore after a workout. So I thought perhaps it's from bad form as in not getting deep enough in the squats and using the full range of muscle motion. So today I dropped my weights to start and am going to work on techniques. Feels like I've done nothing though so we will see. It was a bit of a rushed session though as I was running so late. 

Hopefully the boys have a better night so I can get some good sleep and get to the gym early. 

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