Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Today is one of those make or break things. Yesterday afternoon I came down with some kind of stomach vomiting bug. I we throwing up until 2am after which I had to give Zach a bottle at 2:30 then Tyler woke up then Blake and Blake again. Eventually at 5:30 I got to bed fell asleep. Saving grace was the kids slept until 7:30. 

I'm still feeling queezy today and shocking headache probably from not eating much but all round just feel tired and crap. 

I'm sure I will be fine tomorrow if I manage a reasonably decent sleep tonight but the way I feel today I wonder how I ever felt good exercising or how I ever will again. 

I'm a shocking sick person I find it such an inconvenience. Give me healthy energetic at the gym kind of day any day! 

Being tired is also making my fatigued body harder to deal with. 

Anyway not much of a post mainly a whinge but it's going to test my resolve getting up early tomorrow and going to the gym. It's moments like this it would be easier to just give up. Have fatty takeout for dinner a few glasses of wine and sleep in tomorrow but I know in the long term I will feel so much better getting up and going to the gym! 

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