Thursday, July 10, 2014

1/2 way

So By my dates I'm 1/2 way through my challenge today. The magazine took a week to process so for them it's next week but I have to say im a bit disappointed which is silly.

My measurements are great 
 5.7kg loss. 
Arms -3.5cm off each
Chest -6cm
Waist -10cm
Gluts -7cm
Thighs -4cm off each
Calf -2.5cm off each 
Hips -9cm

Perhaps it's that I weighed in at 81.1kg? Getting back into the 70's would have been nice :( 

These are my photos :( top ones are the start obviously. 
They aren't pretty :( still a long way to go but it is what it is and I can only improve from here so posting these photos is for a reminder of why I am doing this because yes it is embarrassing posting a photo of what I look like but to never feel this embarrassment again will keep me going! 

I've had to have a rest day today as I have a niggle in my lower back. It was sore yesterday after my work out and I put a heat pack and anti inflam on it and it feels ok today but still tender. I was up and could have gone to the gym this morning but I was worried with it being tender if I pushed it I could really do an injury. I hadn't had a rest day in over a week so I was due for one anyway. 

In 6 weeks i did pick at a few chocolates here and there nothing major and I had 2 bad eating days but I still made sure I came in under my calories. I started out lighter with my exercise to ensure I didn't injure myself. 3 years of not much exercise I've had to build myself into it. I now run 3km in 20mins 5-6days a week i do weights 6 days a week and I also do 20mins low intensity exercise after my weights every day. I have a PT sessions on Monday. 

I did some reading yesterday and I am learning a lot. The guy knows his stuff. Now I have decided I definitely don.'to want to figure compete. They get so low in body fat their period stops and every thing. No thanks. For me this is a change in lifestyle. I want to really tone up and really drop body fat but not to that extent.  I am following their off season diet and over the next 6 weeks will increase my workout intensity even more. 

So my diet that I had worked out myself was what he recommended which I was really happy about. :) 
With the exercise I need to up the intensity by keeping my heart rate up and in the uncomfortable zone for longer. 
To do this it's similar to what I did in my PT session on Monday. 
So during a weight session if I do squats i follow it up by jump squats, lunges followed by plyometic lung jumps. 
For other exercises do ones that incorporate the whole body moving. So shoulder work incorporate squats into it etc. it's going to be hard work but it's what I need to do. 

I want to be at least 75kg at the end of this challenge. I know I will be disappointed if I'm not. 

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