Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I think it's just going to be one of those weeks. I'm still getting out of bed in still doing my workouts and in eating well I'm just finding it hard to put the intensity into my workouts. I did well with my run this morning but when it came to the weights when it got tuff my mind wasn't there to push through the pain. I kept trying but I just didn't have it. So I changed it up a but instead of my normal arm routine I decided to give some of the big heavy weight machines a go. Still worked my arms but it was just something different and it certainly didn't have the intensity of my normal workout. 

This will happen though and I just need to work my way through it. Keep up my training and stick to the diet and eventually the slump will pass. It's highly likely it's woman issue related which is typical lol :) 

So we are down to 4 weeks to go! Time is actually goin really quickly. Tomorrow is weekly weigh in day but this morning I was 79.4kg so it's likely I will weigh in at that. It's a 500g loss for the week which is really good healthy weight loss but it leaves me 3.5-4.4kg to lose to get to my goal. In 4 weeks it's possible but it will be pushing it. All I can do is try and try my hardest :) 
I'm going to do measurements today. I haven't done them since week 6. Hopefully I see some good number drops. 

I've been trying to do more and more research as I don't feel u can ever know enough. I have found this guy in the US that seems to know his stuff. He has competed in a lot of comps but has a phd in nutritional science. I want to see if I can learn some more from him. His name escapes me right now he has a company bio something. Will have to look it up again. 

I only have a cert III in fitness and I need to complete my cert IV but I just feel the stuff taught in these courses is so general and basic. I would like to specialise in women, pregnancy, post partum, focusing on proper metabolic function and optimal body performance. 
Sure just going to the gym is a great start but surely if u could optimise ur time there to achieve great results and the best body u can for the time u available. Most trainers out there only have likited knowledge and although they enjoy fitness they are really passionate about it. 
Granted the gym I go to is a fantastic community gym not really offering any sort of elite type of training as it's not their thing. 
Guess what I am saying is I want to learn from the people who live and breath this stuff. Spend there time understanding the science and physiology behind it all. 

Not just sticking to the age old for women lots reps at low weights so u don't bulk up and become hulk barbie! 
No woman unless taking a testosterone steroid will not naturally become this! :) 

Enough rambling just excited to learn more :) it's been a few years since my brain has had a good decent workout! Love my kids but little kids aren't really mentally stimulating. 

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