Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Week 5

So this week has been both really good and really bad.

So the week started off great I had my first PT session. Tabatta HIIT session. It's Thursday and I'm still sore! Which is awesome. After I still managed a 2.77km jog In 20mins. Tuesday and Wednesday was mainly cardio as i was sore mixed with some weights. Tuesday I finally cracked 3km in 20mins! Yay! 

Anyway the cold I have had for what 2 weeks now just keep amping up. It was bad yesterday but last night I could not stop coughing. Heavy chesty flem both on chest and in nose. Dark thuck green yellow stuff. So gross. :( I made the decision over night i needed a  rest day to let my body fight this cold a little. Then when I got up this morning my first lot of monthlys arrived. First proper one after the birth of zach. It's amazing how they just make u EAT! 

This morning was bad. I had a few bites of the boys iced finger buns :( then I had a ham, cheese and avocado rice mountain bread wrap, and to top it off I had 2 mini milky ways! Agh! All before lunch. 

I weighed in at 82kg 2 days ago so I could have dropped down to 81.5kg at tomorrow's weigh in but now I will be lucky if I make the 82. 

After that slip up I decided to refresh my motivation and go through online weight loss transformation pics and blogs. Was a good idea as I feel motivated again. Only 1/2 a day blown. 

Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better and can smash it at the gym. Pull my head in and stick strong to my diet! Might be time to print out some of my motivational pics I have on my iPhone and iPad. Stick them on the fridge. Help bring home the back half of this challenge! 

One more week until half way. I can do this! 

Two motivational pics for the day 

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