Tuesday, November 25, 2014


So my story has been published in this months edition of women's health and fitness magazine :) very surreal to think its actually me really. I know I was big and unhappy but I don't really remember being that big and that wasn't even my biggest. 

So I decide I really want to lose this last 10-15kg so I have dropped most of the dairy I was eating and also cut out all snacking. It's been a hard few days but already it's paying off. Weighed in at 74.1kg this morning. Official weekly weigh in day is Friday so would be nice to be 73kg :) haha! I'm back to eating what I ate on the challenge except I'm snacking less. It's hot and since stopping myself from having a few biscuits with my cup of coffee I don't actually really feel like anything. I would like to be under 70 before Christmas and I can actually easily see myself reaching that now :) 

I have my 2nd mini triathlon this weekend. I am a bi nervous about it. Although I've been doing a lot of running I haven't been doing too much riding or swimming. My right shoulder has been playing up an old injury from so much sport like cricket bowling and softball etc at school. It's bony spurs or something in the socket joint so it's painful to lift past horizontal. Because of this swimming is hard. I do though find swimming easy other than this pain and every time I get in the pool I can do 1.2km (2 x 600m) so I'm sure I will be fine on sudsy but I HB been lucky to swim once a week lately. Riding on the spin bike at the gym is a little boring too. I get 15mins done or around 7.5-8km and I stop. I have all of 1km to go but agh lol. 

I'm really enjoying the weights though. I'm pushing heavier again I do need to search for some more just to vary it up a bit my body will be getting used to it soon. 
Might be time to bring out some HIIT style stuff with some trisets using plyometic moves again. It been a while since I did that kind of training. Maybe next week after the tri is done :) 

This is the article 

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