Friday, November 21, 2014

Off the beaten track

So confession time :( I have been a bit naughty with my diet lately. Not blow bad but not loose weight good. I still go to the gym every day and I can see muscle forming, I haven't gained any weight still sitting at 75.1kg but I'm annoyed at myself because if I had been diciplined I could have lost the last 10kg already. Agh!

I am struggling a bit because I feel in a limbo land. I want to put my head down and train hard and eat well but I also want to try for bub 4 in jan and we are swaying for a girl which is high dairy. Dairy is yuk and my body hates it. Even today I decided I didn't want to have any and I can feel my tummy bloat is going down. 

I also applied for a job a few days ago. A science job close to home. I probably won't even get an interview being a mum of 3 littlies 3 and under but I'm more than well and truly qualified although my back ground is in human cell tissue culture and this job is plant tissue culture the cells I cultures were the hardest and fussiest. I was also assistant manager in a commercial lab supplying cells to customers. I know I will be a great member for their team and it's not research so it's secure, it's 15mins from home. I would happily work there for the next 15years lol. Just have to get an interview. 

If I do get the job I will probably put back baby 4 so I can settle in and things. I wouldn't want to go on mat leave straight away even though I would probably only have 6-12weeks off and go back part time even just 1-2 days a week increasing to 3 days at 6 months. B might have to do the stay at home dad thing this time. My sister will probably be on mat leave too as they are trying for no2 so she might take bub for 1-2 days a week so it doesn't have to go to day care. 

It's all just a wait and see what happens kind of thing and that's the frustrating bit. I'm not the most patient person. I've been on this girl diet jeopardising my weightloss with the extra dairy and I may just be putting it back anyway. If I don't get the job it's go ahead as planned and that means I need to stay on this diet. 

I like to have plans and know where I'm going. Limbo land is so hard for me. 

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