Monday, September 8, 2014

Down week

So I've had a bit of an off week. Little Zach has decided its time for a wonder leap and for the last 3 nights has woken 2 hourly. Agh!! I'm out of the habit of no sleep as we were at 2 wake ups. So I've been too exhausted to drag my butt out of bed at 5:30 to get to the gym. 
I've also been snacking too much. :( my main meals are great it's just the mindless snacking partly from being so tired and searching for the energy boost. 

I'm in week 2 of this second round and I haven't had the best start but thats ok. I'm going to dust myself off and pick myself up and tomorrow back into it. 
I have a bit of a cold too but that's never stopped me. 
Back to the gym in the morning and stopping the mindless snacks :) 
I weighed in at 76.1kg this morning. So that's up 700g but there is still 3 days until official weekly weigh in so still time to turn it around and at least break even. :) still 10 1/2 weeks until my birthday and end of round 2 and plenty of time to reach my goal of hitting the 60's so even 69.9 is reaching that goal. 65kg is my ultimate goal but being the last 10kg I know it's much harder to lose so I'm being more realistic about what I can achieve. 

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