Thursday, June 26, 2014

End if week 4 and training

So today marks the end of week 4. 1/3 the way through this journey

Weigh in 83.0kg! 
That's a loss if 3.8kg

Cm losses 
2cm upper arms
4.5cm chest 
7cm waist 
5cm gluts
6.5cm thighs
1cm calves
7.5cm hips

So not too bad really :) I would have liked to see a little more off the gluts and thighsbut anyway.

So training.
I have been slowly increasing it every week to ensure no injuries etc seeing as it has been so long since I exercised. 
I have loved using my polar loop it really helps me monitor what I'm doing training wise as I can link it to a heart rate monitor but also just my general daily activity.

So this is the last month. I started the challenge on the 30/5. I got my loop a couple of days later but not the heart rate chest strap. I got that on the 5th. In the month I had 2 days of doing nothing as one Blake had surgery the other I had gotten no sleep and woke up feeling flu like.

The next 2 photos show my activity in more detail. So in general day to day I did 415439 steps and burnt 73120 calories! Training wise I trained for 1 whole day in the month 25 sessions and burnt 12034 calories! 

The next two outlines in detail one of my training sessions. So it was a day I ran to the gym did weights and walked/ran home. I love being able to analyse my sessions like this! 

So as we are starting a new week and new month this is my training plan

Monday : 30min PT session
Tuesday: run to gym lower body and abs strength session run/walk home
Wednesday: run to gym arms/chest/back strength session run/walk home
Thursday: run to gym lower body and abs strength session run/walk home
Friday: run to arms/chest/back strength session run/walk home
Saturday: run to gym lower body and abs strength session run/walk home
Sunday: stretching rest session

See how we go. I have purchased 10 PT sessions so in the last 3 weeks I will do 2 a week and I may also up the cardio. I will see what results I get out of this plan first. 
I would also like to alternate road riding to the gym but it's dark when I leave so I need to fit lights to my bike. Running everyday causes stress to the joints and could lead to injury. Monday coming when Tyler and Blake are in daycare I will sort my bike. It's a very long time since I did a road ride. 

I would also like to add swimming in but the pool at my gym is closing for renovations in a week and will close till mid aug. I will add in swimming when it reopens. Mainly so I can train for these think pink triathlons coming up at the end of the year! 

I know I'm doing well and I need to focus on that. For some reason I feel like I could have done better but how and where? 

It won't happen overnight but it will happen! 

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