Monday, June 2, 2014

It's been a while but the snail did win the race!

So it has been a while since I posted. Lots has been going on mainly my youngest Zach ende up in PICU at 6 weeks and now at 11 weeks still easily gets every upper respiratory infection around. The middle Blake is still getting recurrent ear infections even though grommets were placed in in January.

But being a mum o 3 under 3 I knew this journey to get fit and healthy would be a rough one at times. 

So I have decided to embark on a 12 week challenge to help motivate myself. I am only just fishing up day 3 but already this week I have lost 2.2kg! 

I am being strict and pushing myself with the exercise. In that I mean I am exercising every day but I am listening to my body. I only had a baby 11 weeks ago and I am not that fit so although I am pushing myself I do know when to stop before I cause myself injury.

I am now working out at 6am as that's the best time of day to fit around B's work and the kids demands. 
I went for my first road run about 2 weeks ago. Was fantastic. I did 5.5km all up jogging around 3km. I burnt 801cal and completed it in 1hour! 

I have a training schedual set out and a diet plan and I will outline both when I get a chance. 

I also brought a polar loop today. It's a fitness band u wear 24/7 to help see how u do physically through out the day and how u can improve :) looking forward to seeing what it says. 

I'm excited about this 12 week challenge. I have already had my fair share of u won't be able to do it. 

Just watch me! 

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