Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The dreaded winter cold and diet outline

So the head/chest cold that has been trying to grab ahold of me for over a week finally has! :( 
Yesterday I managed to get myself to te gym and do a really good session but this morning just didn't happen. My nose is completely blocked and I have a really nice chesty cough! Agh! 

I am facing the whole should I go for a run/ride while Zach sleeps as Tyler and Blake are at day care or do I take a rest day? 
It's inly a cold not the flu so I know I can still exercise question is if that will just prolong it? Am I just talking myself out of it? 
I did see a really good phrase on FB yesterday 'don't talk urself out of it - talk urself into it!' Very fitting some times. 

I thought though this was a perfect time to catch up and do a run down of my current plan. It must be working as people I see who I haven't seen in a bit are shocked at how much weight I have lost already. 

So my diet consists of 
Breakfast: smoothy - protein powder, banana, tblsp chia seeds, tblsp quick oats, tblsp Fibreworks mix, tblsp colburn no fat Greek yogurt fill up with chilled filtered water 

Snack: 50g frozen berry mix (heated) 70g low fat cottage cheese. 
Black coffee no sugar

Lunch: 2 egg white omelette with 1 mushroom, 3 cherry tomatos, 20g diced capsicum, 1 shallot, 2 tblsp chick peas cooked in 1tsp organic coconut oil

Snack: protein shake on heavy training day or 1 diced green apple with 1 tsp home made cocoa and organic nut butter mix  

Dinner: 100g lightly fried in 1 tsp organic coconut oil with steamed carrot, broccoli, cabbage, zucchini with roasted pumpkin and sweet potato. 1/4 cup cooked brown rice 

Snack: protein shake just before bed if it's been a heavy training day and muscles are sore and 2nd lot of protein wasn't had for afternoon tea. 

Training wise. I have been training almost every day. In 4 weeks I have had 3 day off. On those day I had things on like Blake's surgery so it just wasn't possible. Even on rest days I do a really good stretching/yoga session. 

I am finding that my muscle recovery is actually really good. I had my program set by the gym on Monday and the aim is to take me to complete muscle failure by rep12. I do this and yesterday I even took my legs up a level only getting to rep6. I added heaps like smith machine squats and lunges and calf raises etc not even in my program. Today my body feels fine. I can feel some slightly tired muscles but not that whole have trouble walking etc like I was expecting. I think the protein I'm using is really helping. 

I have 2 weeks until I take my half way photos and I am looking forward to seeing my progress. I know I have come so far yet I know I have so far to go.

One day at a time. In saying that I think I need to go for the run/ride! 

Next post I will post my training log. I purchased a polar loop early on in this challange and it's been fantastic at logging my training. Certainly helps keep me motivated. Just have to log into my iPad as my phone is an old iPhone4 and the app needs iPhone4s or later! I will also post my diet breakdown in terms of macronutrients etc. to show how many calories I'm consuming with how many proteins, cabs as fat. As well as a comparison of my daily calorie burn and my exercise usage! 
The only way to lose weight is calories in must be less than calories expended and as the saying goes u can't out train a ba diet and diet is 70-90% of weight loss! :) diet is also cruitial in ensuring ur body as the adequate  nutrients to perform at its optimum. It might take a bit to fine tune diet but it's worth it. Not everyone can eat the same thing every day but when I have 3 kids under 3 and I see food as fuel it something that works very well for me. 

Anyway enough procrastinating Zach is sleeping so it's now or never :) 

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