Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week 3

So week 3 is drawing to a close. Official weigh in tomorrow. It's been a good week. Trained hard ate well. 
I have started trying to incorporate my longer distances for my next enticer tri coming up in 6 weeks. As this one is bigger 600m swim/18km ride /6km run I do have to train for it.

The run I'm good for. I do 6km in 35mins which isn't to bad. I won't do this speed on the day I know this as I do have the swim and ride before it but I just want to complete all distances without stopping or slowing down.

I need to get into the ride and swim though. I'm not too worried about the swim as I can get into the water and easily do 1.2km but it would still be nice to train a bit so I can really push myself. 

I ordered a proper tri suit which should arrive tomorrow and a race number belt and some shoe lace clips. All this should hopefully mean a quicker smoother transition. 

So the other thing which I guess is kinda amusing. I am lucky I am really thick skinned. I can imagine it would definitely get a lot of others down. No wonder so many over weight women give up the constant difficult fight that is losing weight. Not only do u have ur own negative voices u also have those hates that just have to put people down probably to make themselves feel better. 

So women's health and fitness mag shared my story on FAcebook tonight. Of course many people were encouraging but there are alway those who have to be negative and put u down. 
It has taken me a long time to accept my post baby body. Having kids changes ur body so much. It's been less than 12months since I had my last baby and post baby everything is so much softer and squishier. Let's not even mention that yes I'm carrying extra weight it's totally different now. 
I have accepted my lumps and bumps and I am working to improve that even more but people will always have to comment negative stuff. I exercise and eat well because I love myself not because I hate it. 

It's a shame but ultimately I am very proud of how far I have come and whilst my journey isn't complete, I am still working hard and I'm not going to beat myself down and focus on those things. 

The biggest thing is I have lost a lot of weight I am fit and healthy and I know eventually in time I will reach my goal weight. :) 

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