Sunday, January 4, 2015

End week 3 weigh in

So weighed in at 71.5kg this morning: that's another 1kg down this week! So in 3 weeks I have lost 2.7kg. I don't expect to keep up this kind of weight loss as I'm down to the smaller end. I'm 11.5kg of my ultimate weightloss goal. I'm only aiming for 65kg in this challenge but I would love to reach 60kg. I haven't been that since I was a teenager. I did get down to 63kg in my early 20's but that's the closest I ever got.
I'm also lifting heavy weights now to build and time muscle and I'm well aware that muscle is heavier and denser than fat so whilst I might get smaller the scale may not reflect this. 

Some of my size 12's are now gettig a bit big which is nice :) 

I've also started to do a dry brush in the mornings to see if I can improve the appearance of my cellulite. Unfortunately because I was overweight as a child I developed it as soon as I went through pubity. I always asked my mum why she never helped me try to lose weight and her response was because in her eyes she never so me as over weight even when the school uniform dress shop had to order dresses in for me as I didn't fit the standard size. That right there is a life of mental scarring. If u read this and u have a daughter over weight please help her lose some weight. Not to bring her down but because u love her and u want her to be happy and healthy because believe me a life of hard work to teach an old dog new tricks is hard! It's not about being skinny it's about being healthy. 

I don't ever expect to rid myself of the cellulite I've had pretty much all my life but improving it a little would be nice. 

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