Friday, January 16, 2015

Omg I did it

And there is it! A number I haven't seen in a very very long time! 
I have now lost 28.9kg. 4.8kg off my minor goal and 9.8 kg off my ultimate.

With still 2 days until weigh in for the end of week 5 so far I have lost 4.4kg. 

This week was very full on. First week back to work after Christmas so on wed,thur an Friday I was up at 3:45 and at the gym at 4:15 so I could get to work at 6:30. I got home from work wed and finished off cleaning for my rental inspection. Washed walls etc. Thursday arvo I got home cooked dinner and did 2 loads of washing before I picked the kids up and yesterday arvo/night I baby sat my nephew.
To say I collapsed into bed every night is an understatement! 

Seeing results like though it's rewarding. I am Starting to see changes else where too. 

I also started using a coffee scrub on my skin every night. I want to try and reduce the cellulite. I have taken a before photo we will see what it is like after a month. 

This is what I used 
1jar coconut oil. 
Bag ground coffee (I got it for $2 a bag at a discount outlet)
1 packet salt flakes 
1 cup of raw sugar. (Didn't have any brown sugar)
Stored it in a glass water tight container. 

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