Friday, January 23, 2015

Tired! Sick/burn out/low iron and 1/2 way progress

I am so exhausted. :( I don't know what's going on. 
I thought it was lost mojo but I am completely spent. 
Sure I'm pushing myself a lot. Between having 3 little kids who mostly do sleep but sometimes don't, working 3 days a week and getting up at 3:45am, running our house hold, being stressed about what B is doing etc there is so much happening but that doesn't explain why I'm so tired. 
I went to the gym this morning and ran 6km but I've been doing that a lot. I didn't find it a stretch or anything. I then did my leg weights. I felt a bit tired but ok. Then I got home and my energy just started to drain. 
Maybe I'm not eating enough? I finding after work I am starving by time I get home I simply just binge. 

I'm frustrated with my lack of progress and I'm putting it down to binging which yes it's a binge but it's not massive. A few buscuits or a packet of the kids chips etc. The rest of my day I eat well it's just maybe 100-200cal in the afternoon. No

I'm half way on Monday so I will take measurements etc. I am wavering in mojo though. Now I'm 69kg I am wondering why I'm aiming for what I am. Why 65kg? Is that really maintainable for me?  I can still see so much fat to lose but is there a different approach for me? I do love exercise but i do miss food. Not fat crap food but just yummy dinners and the occasional special breakfast. 

I'm going to sit down and do a calorie count of my food a bit later. If I'm no rt eating enough that would explain why I'm so tired. 

So I decided to do my half way photos and measurements even though I'm 2 days off. I doubt it will change much in 2 days. 

I feel like its a lack of progress but maybe I was just expecting bigger changes now that I'm in the 60's. I still feel like I looked when I was 80kg. I now feel like there is still 15kg to lose. My goal posts are always changing. I always feel like there is always so far to go! 

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