Monday, January 5, 2015

Tired day :(

So today hasn't been the best day. Some times getting up at 4am every single day takes it's toll. I also have a little cold that's annoying me seems to be easing though. 
When Zach woke me for a feed i so could have gone back to bed and kept sleeping. I do wait 15-20mins to see if he has indeed gone back to sleep this morning he didn't. As he sleep through he seems to want that 2nd bottle to go back to sleep. Gave him that got dressed and off I went. I still managed a tough session and burnt a good 850cal in an hour 15 but I just felt tired. Really tired. I haven't had a test day in over a week. Probably very naughty but I just want to get it done. 

Because of being extra tired my body is searching for empty calories. Instead of making something good I am snacking on chocolate. Agh. It's only been 10 squares of Turkish delight but still it's not needed. I had my normal smoothy for breakfast and my turkey breast salad for lunch. I'm over snacking now and will have my protein shake at 2:30 and my egg white omelette for dinner so it's not all blown out but it annoys me when I eat like that. Only because I don't do it because I enjoy it it's for the wrong reasons. 
I LOVE chocolate especially Turkish delight and I usually allow myself to enjoy 1-2 squares a day. This is living of course and why completely deny urself everything. I don't drink or eat bad take away food so it's my little simple pleasure. Today it wasn't about tht though I allowed my emotional tired self just mindlessly snack. 

I could tAke a rest day tomorrow I will see how I wake up. If I don't I might just do a small day. Maybe a quick ride some core work and a swim. Now my tri suit is here I really want to try it out! 

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