Saturday, August 30, 2014


So I've had many complements in the last few days since completing the challenge and so any people asking for my secret. They get so disappointed when i tell them I did it the old fashioned way with diet and exercise. There are no quick fixes. 
The last 12 weeks were hard. I'm not going to lie it took a lot of focus and determination. You can't do something like that until you are ready. There were many days I could have slept in.
Doing something like that with a new born as Zach was only 2 1/2 months when I started and he woke up 3-4times a night. Having 2 toddlers meant no restduring  the day either so if I only got an hour or 2 sleep that's what I needed to function on until bed the next night.
At around the 6 week mark I barely got more than an hour sleep a night for over a week. I had all 3 boys sick with a cold and all 3 needed something multiple times a night. I could have given up but I wanted it to much to do that. I might have been blary eyed and exhausted and not able to give 100% at gym but I went and I gave it all I could. 

I also could never have done it without the support of my husband. We couldn't afford the extra cost of the crèche at the gym so I needed him to do the morning shift so I could get to the gym. 
I put in more hours than one normally would and 40min-1hour is more than enough 3 times a week for slow steady loss. If this is all u can do that's ok. Just know that eventually it will pay off. I also spent 6 weeks showing B that I was serious at this. For the first 6 weeks I did early morning runs and rides and back yard workout sessions with the kids. Blake played while Tyler tried to copy everything I did. I just did a workout when ever u could. Skipping, burpees, push ups, sit-ups, jump squats, lunges etc. 

The other side is weightloss is 80% diet. If u can eat well and exercise 3 times a week for 1 hour ur body will start to change and the weight will come off. You will just have to be patient but it is a lifestyle change not a quick fix. Most people think they are eating well and u might be but if ur maintaining weight then u need to have a calorie deficit to start dropping again. Ur body will do everything it can to maintain it's current equilibrium.
In the last 12 weeks the harder I trained the hungrier I got because my body was trying to keep itself at my current weight. If u want to lose put the effort into calorie counting for a bit. Myfitnesspal makes if really easy. Work out what u currently consume. Then adjust ur diet to take in less calories. Not too much though as ur body will slow your metabolism right down and also start breaking down muscle stores if you are consuming too few calories. I was consuming 1800cal a day while pregnant. I dropped to 1600 at the start of this challenge. I wanted to lose more faster so though if I drop more I will lose more but it didn't work. I fel tired and weak and I couldn't train effectively. So 1400 was too little but 1500 is perfect. 

Also if you only have 3 days a week toworkout  make them count. Have a plan when u go to the gym, park or back yard for a workout. For women trying to lose weight and don't have much time HIIT sessions are the best. But you must make sure u push urself. U combine weights even just body weight exercises with intensity to get ur heart rate right up this will help burn the calories and will also increase ur resting metabolic burn. It's why a weight training program is better than a cardio based one. Cardio will burn only at the time u do it, weights will burn all day. I combined both as I was able to and hence why I lost 11.4kg in 12weeks. Doing what I did was hard on the body. If meant working out while sore and tired. It meant pushing myself through my pain barrier every training session. I love exercise. I love the pain I love the burn. Most don't. Most will actually do much better with slow stready weight loss and that's great. We all need to work to our strengths. 

One of the stand out things I learnt early on was that if u wait for the time to exercise to be available it will never happen. We are all busy. If u want it u need to find a way to fit it in. 

Before I started my challenge I did a lot of planning. Having 3 kids under 3 i don't stop. Even sitting here writing this blog is taking time from something I should be doing. I set out a daily plan each week. 
When I do washing on Sundays I put the kids daycare clothes out and pack their daycare bags. This way it doesn't need to be done by B in the morning or me in a mad rush out the door. 
The two days my kids are at day care I do everything that is too hard when I have all 3 kids. This includes grocery shopping, a full house clean and all the paperwork for the fish and chip shop we own. I also do any bulk cookin i need to to help the week run smoother. During this 12 weeks I didn't stop once. I watch neighbours whilst I give Zach a bottle for bed but that's the only tv I watch. From the moment I wake up till the moment I go to bed I don't stop. Something that probably help me lose the weight too. I don't have a weekend. B works weekends and occasionally I will take the boys somewhere special but mostly we just push through like a normal working week. As we own a fish and chip shop B's 2 days off we spend prepping that for the week. Shopping, good prep etc.  

We are in a routine now though. B struggled a bit a first with getting up and organising the boys but now that he can see how happy and confident I am he knows how important it is. He can also see how much I do everyday so he is willing to step up and do it. If also gives him time to spend with the boys as he does work so much now. 

But this is a lifestyle change for me and I am loving it. 
So tomorrow marks the start of spring. The pool opens at the gym tomorrow so it's an early morning swim followed by my final PT session. 
My first mini tri is 1 month away so most of my training will now centre around this. 
I have done up a new training schedule and diet but this post has taken too long already so that for another day. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

12 week challenge finished.

Well I finished my 12 week challenge yesterday and I reached my goal :) yay! 
Final stats 
Measurement wise 
Arms -4.5cm
Chest -7cm
Waist -12.5cm
Hips -13cm
Thighs -15cm 
Gluts -12.5cm
Calf -3cm

I still got up and went to the gym this morning and still eating really well. 
Everyone said once I was finished I would stop. No this is a lifestyle change :)

Now the training begins for the 3 mini. triathlons I've entered over the next few months :) 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

In the last week

I've been a bit quiet I've just had my head down working hard. 
So in the final week only 4 days to go. 
I weighed in at 76.9 last week which leaves me 1kg to lose for this week. 

I did a practice run with my tan late last week and it looks good. Just a little colour and definitely not over the top. 

So I'm planning on doing another 12 week challenge after this one. This next one has 2 mini triathlons in it so my training will have a lot of focus on this but also muscle definition whilst hopefully getting the last 10kg off. 

I will also look at a bit of a change in diet. Firstly to spice it up a bit but also the wheather is warming up so I like salads for lunch in warmer seasons. 

I went for a different road run this morning figured it was time to change and make it more challenging. I knew of some stairs I wanted to head to and do a few laps of so I headed out this morning. I did my normal walk up the hill outside our house. Ran to the stairs did 10laps and ran home walking two small hills about 50-100m each.
I did the calculations when I got home. 4km there. 550 stairs (55stairs x10) and 4km home in 65mins! 
Very happy with my fitness progress but wow I was very sore and shaky after that one. I will make it my normal Sunday road run now and just try to improve every week. 

I was also 3 seconds off doing my 5km Treadmil run in under 30mins. 

I'm going to incorporate constants into my training too so I can work on PBs for them. I know they say u don't need to do cardio etc etc. but I love it. I love running and like cycling lol. Perhaps as I get stronger at riding I will like it more too. 

At the moment though I have a sick little baby who needs my focus and attention. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

2 weeks to go

So I have had a bad week. I stuck to the exercise I didn't miss a beat there and I ate reasonably well. I stuck to my diet mostly but I kept snacking. I'm a chocoholic I am the first to admit that and this week I had way too much. LOVE my sweet food. Cakes, buscuits etc. It seems to link in with ovulation for me. I want another baby and or some reason my mind gets so stuck on this around ovulation. We aren't going to try until next year but it's still on my mind a lot. Now that's passed today I am super focused again and ready to smash out these last 2 weeks! 

I have a bit of a cold again which is annoying. Having little kids they bring everything home from day care. It's nothing major just headaches, sinus and a bit of muscle stiffness especially in my neck. 

I have been doing really well with my cardio. Not sure if I have already mentioned my 5km run but I did it in 31min which I was very happy with. So after this I thought I would do my ride then run. I did the 9km ride and 3km run in 35mins. 
I've gotten my 3km run down to 17min.

So the mini tri is getting closer. It's on the 5th October. It's a 300m swim, 9km ride and 3km run. I have the run and ride down but I'm really wanting to get into that pool. It opens in 2 weeks. They close it for the winter which is understandable as it's a quiet time and they always have a lifeguard on when the pool is open. 

I don't think I have lost any weight with which of course im annoyed at myself for. If I had stuck to my diet I would be closer to my goal. Now I still have 3.2kg to lose in 2 weeks :( seem out of reach now. Won't stop my trying though. I will give it all I can. 

This is what I have decided to wear for the final photo shoot.
I'm getting my hair done on the Tuesday which I am also excited about. That and I'm getting a tan done. I can't believe how fast this 12weeks has gone. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Plugging away

So things have just been the same old. Settling into more of a routine with things. I did a 5km run at the gym yesterday morning. Did it in 31min. That's a 6m20s km! Very happy with that! 

Tomorrow is weigh in day and 3 weeks left. Today I weighed in at 78.4kg so I suspect it will be that tomorrow. 75kg is still with in reach. 

Everyone is always so shocked by how much I have lost but I am still only seeing how far I have to go! It's silly and I'm frustrating myself with it. I have done so much and worked so hard but it's those changes in my body after kids that's hard to accept. The fat on the tummy is the hardest. :( 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Well the rest day was so worth it

After feeling a little frustrated last night at my decision to have a rest dayi woke up this morning and killed in my training. 

I did my 5.5km road run in 43mins I them went to the gym and did a heavy weight session on my legs. 

I also weighed in at 78.7kg!
That now takes me to 20kg lost since the day Zach was born on the 17th march. 
7.9kg lost in 8 weeks on this challenge. 3.7lg till my goal of 75kg for this challenge and 13.7kg till my ultimate goal of 65kg! 

I have also decided to change my training schedule to do one session of heavy weights and one session of high intensity super sets on upper body and lower body. Add in Mondays PT session and them I only have 1 more session to make up so I think I will add a whole abs session. This will ensure my muscle are getting adequate rest. 

I mentioned I changed my diet a little well I added in 3-4dates soaked over night in 50ml almond milk to my morning smoothy and I have also added pink salmon to my lunch time omelette. It's not much but I was always so so hungry so I just think I needed a little more fuel. Losing almost 1kg a week would signify my calorie deficit is enough :) couples with workouts and muscle recovery I'm thinking I have a good balance. It makes my calories back around 1500-1600 a day but I'm clearly meeting it and using it.