Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The truth HURTS!

Today was end of month 1.

The harsh reality that is the truth hurts. :(

I knew I felt flabber since the baby weight fluid dropped.  I honestly didn't think it was this bad.
To think of how far I had gotten and where I am now :(

I knew I couldn't expect much from this first month as I haven't really done anything.

So stats before photos.
weight loss -500g

arms +1cm but I did do arm weights 2 days ago and they are still really sore. good old DOMs
chest - same
waist -3cm
hips -2cm
gluts -0.5cm
thighs Same
knee Same
calf Same

16th Dec 2015 

1week pp

So I did change where I take the photos to change the light.  The new location highlights the cellulite more but I wanted that because its something I really need to work on. 

Oh so far to go but I need to use this to fuel me. Bring on month 2. 

I managed a quick 15min walk this morning but unfortunately that was it.  B seems to be in a really bad headspace so I think I am going to have to work out times to workout that don't require him to look after the kids.  Even for 15mins. 

Lets go month 2!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Finally getting started

The first month is nearly over with tomorrow my date to weigh and its been a very slow month but that is kinda expected with a new born by and still recovering.  I doubt I will have lost any weight perhaps even gained.  Guess we will see tomorrow.

I did manage one walk up to get the kids from day care and yesterday I did my first work out. it was all of 15 min warm up on the treadmill.  I did manage to run although very slowly at 7km/hr for 4 whole minutes. My legs felt very heavy and my tummy still healing but its a start. I then did my arms, back and core exercises using the 5kg dumbbells I picked up from kmart during the week.  I didn't get as many done as I wanted, my arm muscles are certainly a lot weaker than I expected them to be.  I took the workout to failure and then had to stop.

My diet has been really good but again as usual for me I highly doubt I will have lost as it usually take my body about a month to adapt at the beginning of training before it responds and the weight loss starts.

I had a talk to B regarding me just not fitting any workouts in.  I was planning to do them at night after the kids were in bed but after dealing with 4 kids 4 and under all day one of which is a new born and on around 2-3hours sleep a night by the time 8pm comes around I am shattered!

I would normally go somewhere between 4 and 5 am but Z the 21month old has decided he likes to wake up during this time.  So as B has to work such long days I said I will get up to the kids at this time even if Billy has had a bad night and then at 6am I will do my workout.  That means B still gets at least 7 hours uninterrupted sleep and only has the kids for 1 hour. Whilst Billy is so little I will just do my workouts here and then once he gets bigger I will head back to the gym. This is yet to happen as B has been sick ever since our conversation.  First a cold and now some vomiting thing.  He is always sick at the moment.  I keep trying to talk to him about his diet and lifestyle but people wont listen unless they want to.  He has no interest in changing his lifestyle even though he is so grumpy and miserable all the time.

So diet at the moment is:

on wake up - Warm lemon and apple cider vinegar drink
Black coffee no sugar.

Breakfast: smoothie: 1 small banana, 1 scope Isalean Shake, 1tsp Honey, 1Tble spoon quick oats, 1/2 tblsp flaxseed meal.

Snack: egg white omelette, with 1tblsp brown rice, 1tblsp chick peas, and steamed broccoli
Black coffee no sugar
Isagenics want more energy drink with Acetyl Carnitine and 1 isaflush tablet

Lunch: Tuna Salad with 1egg, avocado and 1/2 Mango, no dressing

Snack: 70g Cottage cheese with frozen mixed berries (microwaved to be warm)

Dinner: Grilled Chicken with steamed veggies and tblsp brown rice  or an Isalean shake if short on time

before Bed: Isagenix Belly buster shake. (protein powder plus isagreens) with Acetyl Carnitine and 1 isaflush tablet

My milk has almost completely dried up and Billy feeds twice a day morning and afternoon.  Once he has completed weaned this will change and I will be adding in Thermogenic protein powders, green tea etc. I will also be doing some isagenics cleanse days but other than that no isagenics anymore.

I was going to go through my weights program too but only a short nap for the kids today.

Onto tomorrow and another round of measurements and photos etc.

Some food pics

 I had some extra mangos to use up so I added it to my cottage cheese a couple of days! I LOVE mangos.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Game on!

So Little Billy is 3 weeks old now. Such a little champ of a baby.
We had some issues with Breast feeding as he had a tongue tie and upper lip tie so now I still breastfeed but I top up with formula every feed. Its a long process but it makes him happy and content and all he does is sleep!

I gave myself a week after the birth to not think about anything at all!

After that week I took my measurements and weighed myself and started my diet.  Unfortunately due to lack of sleep the diet has been wavering. The bulk of it is great, but I am looking for empty energy to help get me through. So biscuits and chocolate etc. Not good. Also doesn't help that I have had no down time as there has always been people here.  Today is the first day that the bigger boys are at day care and its just Billy and me.  I had to clean the house for an inspection this morning but now its just time to chill.

So the day I had Billy I weighed in at 90.5kg :( IT was way heavier than I was aiming but it what it is and it is now a starting point.

7 days post I weighed in at 85.4kg and have now dropped down to 84.4kg

I have started doing some exercises. Mainly focusing on pelvic floor and core exercises but I do also do some pushups, dips, squats and lunges.  Just trying to get some level of strength before I return to the gym.

Due to the drop in the level of breast feeding basically all I am doing is giving him a little for antibodies etc, I am going to drop my calorie intake as having 1800 a day will just make me gain weight. I will revise my diet today and see how I go.

This is my final pregnancy photo at 38+2 and 905.kg

This is my one week post photo on the 16/11/15 at 85.4kg

I feel so much flabbier now that the baby weight and fluid is gone.  I guess all that fluid was keeping it all reasonably firm.  I am trying to just focus on the positives and move forward and tackle it one day at a time.
It is so hard waiting to return to exercise though.  My body did bounce back and recover SO well this time I am busting to go for a run and get back into it all.  But I know better.  I know I need to allow my body to heal and it will be much better in the long run.  Patient is something I have never been though.

weigh and measure due again on the 16th.