Sunday, October 18, 2015

The lifestyle change

I've been giving a lot of thought lately to the lifestyle change I want to make for myself and my family.

I have been doing Isagenix for a bit now and whilst I enjoy it and found it good, and I still plan on doing a 30day cleanse and regular cleanse days I don't think its the lifestyle I want to follow.  It will be great while nursing as the shakes are fine to use although that all depends on if the baby can handle the dairy side of it.

Once I finish breast feeding though I would like to change it all around a bit.  Do the 30day cleanse straight up but after that incorporate a more clean eating kinda paleo approach. I don't like the full idea of Paleo I think it has gone a little too far but the fundamentals of getting back to basics etc that is the direction I want to take my family.  Lots of fresh food.  This of course means I need to learn how to cook! my mum is British and is a meat and 3 veg kind of cook.  none of it was healthy fresh tasty food.  It usually involved salt and pepper, butter, a packet kinds of things to get flavor.  I have spoken to B about this and I am hoping for my Bday that is coming up he gets me a couple of Pete Evans books. I know the transition with the kids will be hard but I also want to look at getting them to help me prepare the food and also perhaps growing some of it so they can see and understand the whole process.

My 4yo is at that inquisitive age and I have told him chips and lollies are bad for him and he doesn't want them.  Now I just need to get what I cook and prepare to taste good and hopefully we all start eating better.

I also want to change my supplements once I finish breastfeeding and bring in a thermogenic protein powder after my morning workouts.  I might still keep the high protein isagenix one for night time to help increase my muscle gain but I am yet to nut this out. I will also bring back in my preworkout supplement and add a green tea extract to my breakfast smoothie.  I will start up L-carnitine again, and also considering some BCAA's this time. My plan is to really shred this time.

I am now 35+1 pregnant and we are down to 21days and he will be here.  My diet is relatively good, Ice cream seems to make a common appearance which is silly as I actually don't like ice cream I only ever eat it when pregnant! I have started walking regularly again and its certainly making me feel stronger and I actually don't even feel heavily pregnant which is amazing.

I have spoken to my OB about doing the triathlon coming up in Feb/march and he doesn't think there will be any issues with me doing it. YAY! Unless something drastic happens during the birth of course but fingers crossed it all goes smoothly.

I did up my weight loss journal the other day.  its for 12months and starts on the 16th Nov which is 7day post partum.  Of course I wont be full into it from the get go its more about diet and light incorporation of exercises to start with especially the pelvic floor ones.

It goes in monthly step by steps, I will weigh and measure monthly, put in photos each month and outline my diet and exercise. I have extra pages in there for me to write down what is working and what isn't. Jot down what happened on a day I might fall off the wagon etc.

I learnt a lot last time regarding weight loss and I know I can definitely do that again.  This time I want to learn out to cook and eat for a full lifestyle change and also learn how to tone and sculpt efficiently.

I am excited to get back to the gym soon, probably wont be for another 2 months at least with recovery and getting baby to sleep etc but its all getting closer.

This is my journal so far, my diet and exercise is a scribble at the moment I will finalise it in the next week or so.

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