Monday, July 27, 2015

The Rollercoaster that is life

So things have turned around a lot since my last post.
B FINALLY listened to me. He has admitted he has a problem and is going to get help! I can imagine its going to be a long slow process but its a start!

This have been so much better all around because of it.  He realised what I meant by being lonely and since he is always at work the rest falls on me.  Just having him listen to that and try to understand it was so important.

Anyway a million times less stress going on.

unfortunately though my healthy eating and exercise still isn't going well.  I mentioned about getting worried bub was small. Well he has something called marginal cord insertion where instead of the cord inserting in the center of the placenta it has inserted 1-2cm from the edge.  Now this may not be an issue at all but it has been known to be associated with IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction).  Normally this doesn't become apparent until the 3rd trimester but as he did have that drop in growth between 14 and 20weeks its showing to have some affect on the amount of nutrients he is getting.  He is staying on the 40th percentile at the moment and I am due to see my OB again on the 10th.  We are hoping he stays on this growth curve which is perfectly fine. He will be closely monitored though and if he does start dropping and gets below that 10th percentile it might mean an early delivery.

My OB has said its perfectly fine for me to keep exercising and running.  I just haven't been.  I set my alarm for every morning and every morning I turn it off :( I will keep trying though and its always the first one that is the hardest.
The eating though is a different story.  I am eating reasonably healthy its just the snacking as I feel like I need to be doing something to help him grow so I constantly eat.  Ultimately I know it makes no difference and its just going to my arse but its just that need to feel like I am doing something.

Every day I am making small steps though a little healthier a little more sleep a little more energy and eventually I will get it right.  Every little bit of progress is still progress.

Due to the increased eating though I have unfortunately gone up to 82kg! Again its just a matter of trying to maintain it here. The last few days have been really good so I just have to try and keep it up and definitely have to get out for that morning walk.

My body really struggles in winter.  I think its that missing Vit D from the summer sun.  I tried to get out side and get a bit of sun this morning. Hopefully it helps a bit.

My goals for the next week. Eat healthy and snack on less rubbish food and get out for that morning walk at least once!

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