Tuesday, July 7, 2015

its been a long time

wow its been a long time
So I am 20weeks pregnant now and finally out of the morning sickness and migraine hell that I was in.
Unfortunately in those first 16weeks that were REALLY bad I ate heavy carbs to try and keep the nausea at bay, I didn't go to the gym as I was too tired and sick, and it led to weight gain :(

I started running up again about 3 weeks ago but its few and far between. The boys have all been sick and then I get sick, they aren't sleeping and the last few weeks I am lucky to get 4 hours sleep.

I got myself a fitbit surge though and I am tracking what I eat and although not perfect its way better than it was and I keep it under the 1800 cal recommended.
So although I can't always exercise I am keeping on top of the diet.

So all up I have gained 9kg in 20weeks.  agh! My biggest concern is that I lost a lot of muscle and gained a lot of fat. I am going to keep plugging away though.  I currently have strep throat and am on antibiotics and I have a cold with a really chesty cough so I am off exercise this week.  Normally I would exercise through it but not while pregnant.

Also I had my morphology scan last week and very excited to say its another boy.  When I found out I was a little sad it wasn't a girl but I always very quickly realise why I am a mum to boys.  During this scan though I found out he is growing a bit small.  he was measuring a week ahead and is now a week behind.  I have had a niggling feeling something was wrong and my not growing bump was worrying me and to have it confirmed during a scan has me a little worried.  Hopefully he was just due to go through a growth spurt but I am dropping back in my exercise until I see my OB next week and get the all clear all is OK. If there is a growth problem or placenta or something I don't want to make it all worse by exercising.

These are my progress photos.
before 70kg

14weeks 78kg
20weeks 79kg

Looking at these photos I can see the fluid in my face so my body must be holding onto more than I thought.  I am still in size 12 clothes which is good.  I would like to maintain this weight now until bub is born.  I would also like to increase my exercise to 5-6 times a week.  A couple of run, some weights and the elliptical.  Its just a matter of fitting it in as my 4:30am time slot doesn't work at the moment as my 15month old refuses to sleep at this time now. 

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