Thursday, April 3, 2014


So in order for this to work I need to put things into place to make it easier. 

Firstly I weighed in at 90.8kg on Monday yay! I weigh myself everyday I know I shouldn't but I find it keeps me focused. On Tuesday I actually weighed 89.8! Was good to see that 89. It's back up to 90 but I think that's a combo of no sleep and slipping on the diet due to no sleep. 

Most nights I only get 2-3 hours at most. Once I am up for the day I can handle the no sleep but during the night omg I am so exhausted. 
Zach got his tongue tie cut yesterday so I am thinking his restlessness last night was perhaps a bit of pain and sucking in air due to the new tongue movement he isn't used to. 

So I did my first workout on Tuesday but it was too much for my body. It's just not ready. So it was only a light walk on the treadmill as a decent ride on the spin bike. Felt really good at the time especially the ride but after I got bad cramps and my pp bleeding came back heavier. So I decided to just ease up for a bit until it stops properly which it basically has now. 
As much as I want this I need to listen to my body.

Starting tomorrow I'm going to start recording calories. If I stick to my diet it's fine because I plan to eat the same everyday. Most people find it boring but I find it the esiest way to stick to things. Healthy food is just food to me.
I love sweets so if I am good all week I may allow myself a treat every now and again but I find once I break that sweet tooth hold I can go with out easily. 

The other thing I need to do is set up an area for my Treadmil and bike so that I can workout whilst the kids are awake. Best time is mid morning if I can get Zach down to sleep. The best way to do this is to put a Wooden play pen up and pull the bike and Treadmil out of the garage just a bit won't take much effort at all a few minutes to set up every day but this will allow me full view of the yard. The boys can then play in the yard which is fully shaded at that time of day and I can workout without them gettig to me and the equipment. The boys will probably whinge at first Because they cannot get to me but hopefully they will get bored of it and go play.
Then I just need to get a bolt for the back door. Put it up the top so Tyler can't get to it. The lock we had he figured out and I need to make sure they can't get inside where i can't see them. 

There are daily hiccups at the moment but I do have to remember not to be so hard on myself right now. Zach is only 2 weeks old after all. 

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