Saturday, March 29, 2014

Focus and motivation

Well the little man arrived on the 17/3. He is absolutely gorgeous and at 2 weeks post partum we are finally starting to settle in a bit. I know things can also go pair shaped at 2 weeks so we will see how we go. 

So my weight going in on the day he was born was 98.7kg. That was 3.7kg over my goal but realistically it wasn't bad. 
I weigh in again tomorrow but as of Monday last week I was 91.7kg! That's 7kg down already. I doubt I have lost anything this week between all 3 boys I haven't had much sleep and find myself looking for empty calories. Doesn't help that because I am always breast feeding I got a heap of snack kinds of foods for the boys eg muffins etc so if it's meal time and I can't get a full meal for them I can give them a snack until I can. Problem is I'm eating it too! Grrr. 

I need to refocus and find my motivation again. Not being able to exercise doesn't help. When I exercise I eat better as it all makes me feel better. No exercising I still feel fat and flabby and in turn just eat crap. Spending an hour working my butt off the last thing I want to do is blow it in empty calories. 

I have been eating well for breakfast having my smoothly and also dinner I have been having the frozen meals I did and they turned out great. 
My smoothly is 
1 banana, 1/4 quick oats, 100ml no fat milk, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 table spoon natural bran, 2 tablespoons no fat natural greet yogurt, tablespoon honey and col water up to 550ml. 

dinner is 
Steamed chicken 1/4 of a double breast 
Steamed cabage, broccoli, zucchini
1/2 cup cooked brown rice 
Roast pumpkin and sweet potato. 

My lunch is naughty It was my craving while pregnant and I need to kick it. 
2 slices white bread, ham, cheese slice, avocado and lemon pepper. 

I have also been having icecream for dessert. Another pregnancy craving I need to kick. Tomorrow is Monday! The start of a new week and a good day to start new habits! 

I bought stuff to make salads for lunch but it's hard when breast feeding as I can get very hungry very quick and don't always have the time to make a salad. Going to try and make time next week though. Perhaps tomorrow I can do some prep to help make the process easier. Eg cut the chicken into portions so I just have to quickly grill it. 

The next challenge is finding the time to exercise. Little Zach is still establishing a breast feeding regime so it's all over the place. This makes it hard to allocate a certain time every day. 
In the morning from 4-7 and at night from 5-8 he can cluster feed so that creates issues of going for a walk during these times. Through out the day Tyler doesn't nap so how can I go for a walk then? Even on the Treadmil. It's in the garage at the moment so I cannot really go in there and leave him play in the house. 
There is no where in the house to set it up. 
I might have to have a chat to B about what we can do. I need it for my sanity. He has taken on a business but still gets time out. I need it as well. I know it will get easier as Zach gets bigger. Once he is about 6-8weeks I want to review our finances and see if we can afford me to join the gym. That will be about $63 a week including crèche. 

That and I need to feel comfortable leaving Zach for an hour at 6 weeks old. That might be a little hard. It's always good in theory especially while pregnant. Oh yeah I can do it. But once u hold bub ur mummy instincts kick in and u become so protective. At 6 weeks he will still be so young and tiny. 

I have a Treadmil and a spin bike surely I can allocate 1 hour a day for a work out? Even until he is 12weeks or something? I can do my own HIIT sessions in the back yard which might get even easier as winter hits as I can do that while the kids play in the back yard during the day. It's still a bit hot here at the moment so they only go out after 3:30pm and then I am preparing dinner for them. 

Having 3 kids under 2.5 is hard and fitting in gettig fit was always going to he a challenge but that was the whole point of this blog! 

Now that little Zach is here though I plan to blog here regularly in aim to keep my motivation up and my goals fresh in my mind. Also to but out the challenges that think process is undoubtedly going to come across. 

First goal is B's brother is getting married in 4 weeks. I would like to be 85kg by then. Seeing as I still have some birth fluid to lose and with a change in diet I think its possible. Just need to try and do a daily walk. 

Goal 1 - completion date 26/4 
           - lose 6.7kg (85kg)

Goal 2 - 12weeks post partum 
           - completion date 9/6
           - 75-80kg 

Goal 3 - 24weeks post partum 
           - completion date 1/9
           - 65-70kg 

Goal 4 - reach goal weight 60-65kg 
           - completion date 14/11 
           - reach goal weight by 32nd birthday. 

I know the final KGs are the hardest to lose so I am giving myself a little more time to lose those last few kg. :) 

Goal 3 will be the most intense and I might look at doing a 12 week challenge. Perhaps the gym will have one. 

I am very determined to reach my goals it is all going to come down to things I can't plan and those 3 little things can most certainly be the most unpredictable in life. 

I can and I will because I want it! 

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