Saturday, December 14, 2013

About me and why I decide to embark on this journey

I am currently 31 years old, nearly 26weeks pregnant with my 3rd little boy and I already have a 2year old and a 1 year old. 
Before meeting my husband 7 1/2 years ago I was fit and well what I thought was healthy, I was the lightest I have ever been at 63kg. This being said I look back now and it wasn't healthy. I consumed around 1200cal a day and worked out for 2 hours a day mostly cardio. During the week I was great but the weekend was a whole other story. Lots of binge drinking and eating. 

When I met my husband I had recently finished my uni degree and started full time work so mixing a new relationship with working shift in a pathology lab, reduced exercise and my husbands love of cooking home made pizza and pasta lead to a gradual weight gain and I soon found myself 78kg. When he proposed and we set a wedding date I knew I wanted to get some weight off and i managed to get down to 70kg through boot camp and diet but that diet was 1000cal a day and I lacked energy. Little did I know my method was more a hindrance rather than a help. My 'occasional' take away on the weekend practically wiped it all as my body was in starvation mode.

 After the wedding we fell pregnant and sadly miscarried. Another 2 months and we miscarried again. Through this and having trouble trying for a baby for another 8 months I comfort ate and eventually found myself 85kg. When I fell pregnant I basically stopped all exercise and ate what ever I wanted and by the time my first son was born I was 110kg! 

Within 7days of him being born I dropped down to 100kg. 
Being my first time breast feeding I struggled to find the balance of good nutrition, exercise and weightloss. I hovered around 95kg until I was able to increase my exercise. After 6 months i had dropped down to 85kg but found myself pregnant again. 

When my 2nd son was born I was 104kg and again dropped down to 95kg within a week after birth. Having 2 boys under 2 and a husband running his own business I was 100% kids and running the house. Eventually I fell into a rountine of being able to go for a run on the treadmill when the boys slept but my diet was crap and I are what I could  and eat what the boys do. No good for anyone. 

Again I got down to 85kg and again found myself pregnant. Yes we wanted kids clots together :) I am now 26weeks pregnant and 93kg. I thought I was eating really well but the weight just kept coming on. Up until 18weeks I had only put in 1.5kg. After 18weeks I was putting in 1kg a week. I really couldn't work out why. It's not baby. So over these last few weeks I have been thinking about things, my approach to it all, what I want to achieve, where I want to be and why etc. 

When u think about diet and weightloss you say its a lifestyle change but usually it's not. I have always been focused on losing weight but that's not what it's about. Sure losing weight will be an added bonus but its more than that i have done the fad diets and detoxes etc but none of it was a lifestyle change. I want to be as strong and healthy and fit as I can be. I want to be a role model and inspiration for my kids. Provide them the healthy life for the best start in life. 

There are lots of blogs out there and I have been reading lots and plan to read lots more they are a real inspiration but I do find it hard to find ones who are mums. Having a healthy and fitness focused life is hard as it is but adding kids into the mix is a whole other kettle of fish. As a mum u always put ur kids first, then there is the house and work and family and ur partner etc and then ur last. 

So this blog is going to be about me finding my health and fitness peak whilst having a family. I'm not sure how it's going to work yet, it will be planning for sure but also one day at a time. When kids get sick the world stops and u fit nothing in but its ensuring that u stick to ur new lifestyle because in the long run it benifits everyone. 

I thought maybe I could aim for the physique of a fitness model, having something to aim for can help u achieve ur goals but after doing more and more reading this isn't for me. 
Being pregnant I can't start too much of a fitness routine so I will keep it minimal. I have started using my treadmill and spin bike again. I walk about 3.5km and ride 8km when ever I can. Usually this is when the boys go down to bed. It takes 50mins which Is pretty good.  I will keep my workout at 50mins for the pregnancy and as I get stronger and fitter up the speed of the treadmill but still only walking and ride a bit faster and try to do more km in the same time. 

After the baby is born in march I will slowly increase my exercise here at home until my body feels recovered. Once I feel recovered after the birth perhaps 6-8weeks I am going to join the local gym. I was going to do it now but no point other than to get out of the house. 

This is when I will increase my weights program. I know how important weights are. In saying this though to me this is a lifestyle change so I don't want to cut cardio out. Its so important To heart health. I know weights will help me shape my body into what physique im looking for but the cardio besides enjoying running its for overall health and fitness not just looking fit. So many trainers u see look awesome but can't run a few km without nearly dying. 

I'm not sure how long this process will take. Its all very much a learning one for me. I have some basic knowledge but I am looking forward to expanding on that :) 

I think that's more than enough for a introduction :) I'm looking forward to the challenging yet hopefully rewarding times ahead. 

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