Saturday, October 25, 2014

Finally starting to feel myself

So the last couple of weeks have been really hard. 
I knew I had a cold thing when I did the triathlon. I thought it had passed but for what the last 3 weeks since then I had been completely exhausted. I would go to the gym and sit on the weight machines and stare into space, I couldn't run 3km. I had to lay down and rest on the couch every afternoon as I was too tired, my house was a mess, nothing was getting done. At first I thought maybe I'm depressed? Lost my mojo? It was very abnormal for me. On Monday I woke up feeling like I had energy. I went to the gym and ran 6km and I actually just felt good. So I'm thinking I was just sick with a lingering cold/flu. It was not nice. 
I weighed in a 75.4kg this morning so no damage done in tbe weight department but not the best start to the 12wc. No biggy though gettig back up and keeping going is what builds character. It will also help me suceed. I could easily go oh well and give up but where will that get me? Annoyed that a gave up and that's about it. 
This morning I did my first road ride as run since the tri. I did 16km on the bike and 6km run. I probably could have pushed harder but first really big day back after a light 3 weeks and after being sick I didn't want to push it too much and get an injury. 

Was extremely exciting on Friday I had a gift voucher my husband had given me for Mother's Day that I had been holding onto waiting until I had lost some weight. After getting frustrated that all my clothes were either too big or really haggered looking as they are from 5-6years ago well I decided it was time to go shopping.

I was a 16-18 the day Zach was born and although my 14's here at home were too big I still wasn't sure I would fit 12's. 
I took all 12&14's into the change rooms and well all the 12's fit nicely and the 14's were too big. I couldn't believe it. Then I went to another store and grabbed a heap of size 12 singlets. I had already had to return a 14from that shop as it was too big. Well the 12's are actually too big. I could have taken them back but as we have decided to start trying for no4 in January and won't be telling anyone till after the gender scan I figure that they will cover a 14week baby welly well. 

So yes that very big news from our camp. I'm nervous and excited. 4 is a big number. We did always want 4 but as this is our last I would love a daughter. 
So we have started the sway. It may not work and if it doesn't that's ok we would love another little boy too but we are going to give it everything we can to perhaps help get us our little princess. 

The girl diet is very high in calcium and magnesium. I am taking supplements but also increasing dairy. Oh how my body hates dairy. 

Exercise wise it's lots of cardio and minimum weights. I'm still doing weights but I've toned it down a bit. Building muscle increases ur testosterone. It's not much but they say it can affect it. I'm doing weight to still tone and maintain my current muscle but no heavy weights to build it. 

Lots and lots going on really. I receive the email to confirm I am the January 2015 body blitz winner so will appear in the January edition of women's health and fitness magazine :) that's exciting too. 

It does feel good to feel like myself again and get back into pushing myself when exercising. It really does make u feel amazing :) 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Starting another 12Week challenge

Last night I decided that I needed to start another challenge. unfortunately I can't find one to enter but if I put it on here it will hopefully hold me accountable. I have retaken photos and measurements and luckily (other than my butt which is likely a bit swollen from yesterdays workout seeing as my arse is KILLING me right now lol but that is what u want after a good new workout) all my measurements are pretty much the same as when I finished my last challenge.  You do worry that although I am still exercising a lot I have been a little lax on diet and there is risk to put on weight! How awesome will it be to start the new year at my goal weight :)

Start Date: 11th October 2014
End Date: 3rd Jan 2015

Weigh and measure in

Weight: 75.6kg
arms: 31cm
Waist: 82cm
Hips: 93cm
Gluts: 109cm
Thigh: 104.5cm (64.5cm)
Calf 39.5cm
Just above knee: 45cm

Goal weight 65kg

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

First enticer tri done but I've hit a slump

On Sunday I completed my first enticer tri of the season.
300swim/8km ride/3km run 
I did it in 49min in the end including transition which I am happy about. Being my first back an having only had a baby in march that's pretty good. 
Times wise I did 6:29min/20min/20:03min

The swim could have been better it was in a pool and I kept getting stuck behind slow people and having to over take them. 
The girl who came first did the times I would normally in a training session. My issue was the heat. I'm used to training at 5-6am this was at 8:30-9:30 and it was a hot day. 
The next one is in 8 weeks so it will be even hotter but I'm going to start training harder. 

So then comes the slump. It doesn't help I'm sick. I woke up with it the day before the tri :( it's just a cold but it's crap. It comes with a killer headache I just can't ditch and I'm so bloody tired. My body just feels exhausted. The boys have it too so they are miserable which adds to my exhaustion. 

My diet isn't 100% but it's not bad. I'm just mindlessly snacking. If I had the energy I would do a quick calorie count. Problem is I have plateaued in my weight loss and it's annoying me. I still have 10-15lg to lose easily. I'm working out 1 1/2 hours a day.y diet is 90% good. I know plateaues happen and u do eventually break through but they are certainly frustrating. 

How do I reel my mind back in? I'm struggling at the weight training bit but I think that's because I have upped my cardio so much. I'm doing that for the triathlons. I really enjoy cardio. I know most people don't but I do. I'm not enjoying the weights but is that simply just because I'm too tired? 
Then there is maybe I'm not fueling right? Maybe I'm not getting enough fuel for everything I'm doing? Then again I am sick and perhaps over thinking this. 

I need to sit down and reassess and refocus. Look at what I'm doing and what needs to change. Hopefully this cold thing passes soon.