Sunday, January 12, 2014

The new year begins

So Christmas and new year have passed and we are beginning  another new year. I am very hopeful about this one I feel its going to be a great year. I am buzzing with excitement and participation on what is to come. 

So I'm 29+5 with bub now so still just trying to learn everything I can about my lifestyle change. I have been reading a lot and making some changes. I haven't had the best diet lately I have been suffering a bout of bad migraines and tiredness which is normal for the end of pregnancy. These last 10 weeks are going to be long but bub will also be here before I know it.

I started calorie tracking just over a week ago. So I am doing the recommended 1800cal a day for the 3rd trimester and I am putting on about 200g a week so that's really good cause that's basically all baby. Most people I see say i look like I have lost weight and I guess my pants are looser it's just my belly that's huge so although I know I have gained as the baby is most definitely not 8kg haha I know I will lose most if it quickly after baby is born.

So anyway 1800cal a day and I am not altering my diet at all at this point as I am tracking to learn. I use my fitness pal which is awesome and they allocate me my portions of carbs/protein/fats and I 
Usually pretty close to these targets I'm not exactly happy with the percent allocation. I would prefer to have more protein but again I'm just tracking so i won't be making any changes yet. 

I have been following as she is a real inspiration and has a really great outlook on lifestyle weightloss rather than dieting. I do not want to diet. I want this change to be a perminant one. 

I was going to join the gym I wanted to start some swimming etc and also walking in the aircon etc because its been so hot here in qld i can't exercise during the day and I haven't been able to get the kids down before 8pm and when they get up at 4:30-5am there is no way I want to work out till 9pm then it would take me an hour or 2 to wind down. I wouldn't get any sleep and at this end of the pregnancy I'm tried enough as it is and I need all the sleep I can get. 
I started getting painful Braxton hicks on New Year's Day and have been having some bad pains on and off since so I think its better I just take it easy. I can join the gym when bub comes I know me and I love exercise so I have no doubt I will do it. :) 

I have set my sights on the think pink mini triathlons at the end of the year so I will just be building my fitness up for them. I am also looking into HIIT style training. I love my cardio so I'm not going that up but in terms of weight training it's seems very effective. I will continue to nut this out. I won't be able to return to weights for probably 6-12weeks post partum but its a really good thing for me to learn because then I might be able to slow pass it onto other mums one day :) 

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