Sunday, February 14, 2016

Quick Update

This have been going well.  I am starting to see changes happening now which is nice.  Still a long way to go but getting there! :)

Monday, February 8, 2016

Day 3 & 4

Day 3 
Had a great day yesterday. Did an awesome leg workout and 3.25km in 20mins which I was really happy about and I also did a full 1min plank! Omg it hurt but I did it!

Diet was also really good:) 

Day 4

Today B is sick so I'm having a morning off the gym. I'm meeting my sister at the park soon for a light walk but I'm taking this chance to do a cleanse day. I have tried and majorly failed a few time so this time I'm going to do it! 

My body is also sore today so a rest day is probably a really good idea :) 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Tri suit fits!

So I tried on my triathlon suit and it fits! 
It looks ok but I'm a bit self concious on it! 
My belly just isn't flat but I need to be kinder to myself and remember I only had a baby 13weeks ago!!!!
I amped up my ab work in the last couple of days so hopefully it starts to work soon! 
And yep a dirt mirror and messy room! 13week old baby mixed with a 4, 3 and 23month old! Life is crazy! 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Day 2

So although I'm only on day 2 I can now start to feel the changes happening from being back at the gym a month now. 

Today was a good day. Gym workout was legs followed by 15min spin bike session (I follow the les mills rpm style workout)

Diet was good my mum did bring around mini donuts :( I had 2 then my dad bought over Anzac biscuits and again I had 2 but I compensated and although not healthy :( I've stayed in my calorie limit :) 

In starting to consider if I can do this enticer tri on the 6th march. I do need to find a baby sitter but it's more if I think I can. Well I can do the medium course event which is 200m swim/6km ride/ 2km run but I want to do the long 300m swim/12km ride/3km run! I would love to do the ultra 600m Swim/18km ride/6km run but there is no way I could run 6km by then :( 

Will have to discuss it with B tonight maybe as I will have to register soon! 

Might try on my tri suit too. In 4/5 weeks I will hopefully have lost 5kg but that's not much so if it doesn't fit no way I can do it! 

Friday, February 5, 2016


I did decide to restart the challenge and do it properly from the start! 

Day 1 so far has been great. Good arm session in the gym plus 2.5km run. Diet has been great :) 

Smashed today :) 

One day at a time :) 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The challenges mums face when trying to get fit and healthy

Little Billy is now 12weeks old and it has been a very long and difficult 12weeks.

The first 4 weeks were a breeze but at 4 weeks old he became sniffly and it seemed he had a cold but he would have the episodes after feeding where he would cough and stop breathing.  It would take some effort to get him breathing again and it was not nice at all.  Just after christmas he ended up in hospital as he was really struggling to breath and these episodes were happening all the time.

Long story short after some emergency testing etc ended up being severe silent reflux. He is now on a steroid nasal spray to open his nasal passages which are ridiculously small and on losec and antireflux formula to help reduce the reflux.  It has now been 4 days without an episode so we are finally on the right track.

At the peak of this there was a week where I would spend no more than 30mins in my bed at one time.  I was so exhausted I couldn't keep my eyes open and I could not regulate my body temperature and I constantly felt freezing cold.  The Dr did some testing and I have since had a phone call to say i need to come in to discuss these results but I just haven't had time.  I put myself on Duromine not for weight loss I never lost weight on it but to give me the energy just to keep my eyes open.  I have tried to go off it a few times since but it results in me again not being able to keep my eyes open and back to feeling absolutely freezing cold one minute to burning up the next.  Its crazy.

Billy is sleeping good blocks at night up to 5 hours the first stretch then 2-3 the next.  I am getting heaps of sleep but obviously something is going on. Definitely need to try and get back to the Dr.

Anyway I started the Isagenix Isabody Challenge on the 1/1/16.  I thought it would be good just to have something that made me accountable. It hasn't been easy I haven't stuck to it 100% at all, most days are difficult with the kids and it simply just doesn't happen.  Only being 12 weeks since billy was born my body does struggle a bit too but I am doing what I can.

I am back to the gym as much as I can.  I was all ready to walk out the door this morning when my 4yo started vomiting. oh well always tomorrow morning.

I have been completely failing on the cleanse days.  For some reason every single time I go to do one the kids have a horrible day, stress levels go through the roof and by 10am I am starving hungry I get dizzy and weak and feel like I am going to lose the plot so I eat!

It might all have something to do with whats going on with my body though.

I am in month 2 now.  First month I lost 3.2kg so thats not too bad.  I am a little disappointed but ultimately I got the results for the amount of effort I put in.  You can't out train a bad diet.

Exercise wise I am surprised at how my body is bouncing back I am already running 20mins straight on the treadmil with a base speed of 9km/hr.  I usually run about 3.2km in 20mins. The weights I am lifting are really decent too.  Just have to get that diet under control.

I feel so super motivated and yep I can so do this and the curve ball is thrown in and my day spirals out of control, and I do comfort eat.  My kids have been on a sick merry-go round of sickness for what feels like forever now.  I also got the flu they did but managed to beat it pretty quick.

Anyway I am hoping to get on here more often and update with how I am eating and what exercises and training I am doing etc.

The isabody challange is 16weeks and I have no completed 5.  I am tempted to start it again. I will think this over over the next day.  I haven't really gotten anywhere and although it does add another 5 weeks to the next bit I think I will really be better off and achieve better results now that Billy is that little bit older and things should start to settle soon.

This was my first months progress. I still really really struggle with the weight I gained but he is lucky he is so cute and adorable.