Monday, December 29, 2014

The festive season and weightloss

It's alway hard to stick to things over the festive season and I think it's more to do with is punishing ourselves than what we actually eat. 
So Christmas Day I just relaxed and enjoyed myself. Within reason of course. I ate 3 serves of trifle which was very naughty but it was so good lol. 
The following days were a bit worse we went away and stayed with family so I could only eat what I had access too. Unfortunately that included white bread. I felt horrible and bloated for a couple of days but where I could I did eat well. I did a workout Christmas Eve and Boxing Day but that was it. 
The thing was I didn't punish myself for relaxing and enjoying myself. I just let it be and I got straight back into it when I got home. When we punish ourselves we get into a negative loop and we wonder why bother when we maybe put on 200g which was likely just a poo required to empty out the extra food. This negative though makes us then stop and keep eating etc. Enjoying it at the time them letting it go so we can get back to it is what helps us succeed!!
 So this week I still managed an 800g loss. It wasn't the kilo I want to lose a week but all things considered it was an awesome effort. 
So I'm down to 72.5kg. Not long now until the 60's! I'm so excited I can't wait to finally get there. 

So after 2 weeks on the challenge I have lost 1.8kg and there is 7.5kg until my goal. If I can keep this up I might even manage to get under 65! 

My workouts have been good too. They are hard but that's the way I like it. I keep the intensity up for the whole 1hour20min. I can feel the hip fat going and also some more of the leg fat. 

I keep saying in my head it takes 4 weeks for u to notice, 8 weeks for ur loved ones and 12weeks for everyone else so keep going. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

So much happening

It's been a while but so much has been going on.

First up I've started back to work. It was a bit sudden and it's been an adjustment especially for the kids as they are now in daycare 3 days a week but it's a job I couldn't pass on. 

It makes things very hectic. I work 6:30-2:30. I have been going to the gym after work then picking the kids up at 4 go home cook dinner, dishes, tidy, bath, book, bed, prep for the next day then bed. 

My gym went 24/7 this week so I'm going to start going to the gym earlier. On work days I will go before work and on the other days I'm going to go after I give Zach a bottle at 4/4:30. I can never get back to sleep then anyway and I definitely train better in the mornings. 

I also officially started round 2 of the body blitz challenge a week ago. Weigh in days are Mondays. I started at 74.2kg week 1 weigh in -1kg weighing in at 73.2kg. I had dropped to 72.9kg but I had 2 peices of KFC chicken on day last week which was so silly, I didn't even enjoy it. The next day I had jumped back up to 73.8. I don't beat myself up over things like that. Doing this over the festive season will he hard but that's the point. I will enjoy myself but not blow out. 

Training wise I have stepping it up and I've changed around all my weights. My body had settled into a routine. I'm now going to do high intensity legs on Monday and high intensity arms on Tuesday. Heavy legs on wed heavy arms on Thursday and Friday will be core. 
I will incorporate cardio in there including lots interval type stuff. 

The definition in my shoulders is really standing out such a long way to go everywhere else.

I came across these photos the other day.  these are my post pregnancy photos. Not straight up but when I was ready to start losing weight. Most of the time I ended up falling pg when I reached 85kg but wow looking at it this way I have come such a long way. I can't believe I'm still considered overweight! Only 2.5kg until I reach my healthy weight range! 

I have also been looking into finishing off my fitness certificates in the new year. It's going to cost about $3K though :( we just don't have that money right now. I have a cert III so I can do fitness classes but I've never really been into classes. Not sure what I'm going to do but I really do want to help people like me go have always struggled to lose weight to finally smash their dreams and get fit and healthy because it really does change ur life. I just don't feel like i can do this until Ido finally get this last 8kg off and tone up. I do practice what I preach for sure I just want to get into a little bit better shape :) 

So hopefully I will update more regularly as I can. Being 1 week into this challenge already it will be over before I know it!